

39保护动物生态平衡英语,维持生态平衡 protect animals and maintain ecological balance 40我们也是动物,请善待动物 We are animals, please be kind to animals 41双肩生态平衡英语的冻,及不上它们的痛,请不要穿毛皮 Frozen shoulders, and。

We have developed industry and agriculture, to bring about pollution of the planet the excessive use of natural resources, which destroyed a large number of biologies and destroyed the ecological balance。

挺好的!我的是We will take measures to punish the ones who destroy the forests。

Protecting Wild Animals Wild animals are men#39s friends, and their lives are intermingled with mankind#39s Right now, wild animals are being caught and killed in unprotected areas of the world This will。

维持生态平衡英语 维持生态平衡Maintain ecological balance 例句中水灌溉绿地可以缓解水资源短缺实现水资源可持续利用维持生态平衡,并且可以带来可观的经济效益,具有长远的社会效益Reclaimed water irrigation can relieve。

平衡英语说法2balance 平衡英语说法3poise 平衡英语例句这个天平不平衡This pair of scales is not in equilibrium这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡?Do the firm#39s accounts balance?人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡Mankind。

2it can protect the endangered zoo is a walking textbook 问题二 1 动物少生态平衡英语了,绿色地带和森林自然就少了2 自然界再也不会有野生动物3 生态平衡要遭到破坏,生物链也要被打破4,在动物园。

Only one earth Today the Earth, due to the wanton destruction of human beings, her beautiful appearance already riddled with problems She is also the date that the rich resources of nearly dried up A。

我想说的是,动物是自然的一部分,它们与人类不可分割,我们必须保持生态平衡 请把你们的爱给它们吧,不要杀害它们 quotAnimal Worldquot is my favorite program First of all, I like animals,especially *** all animals Secondly。


请维持生态平衡 Animal protection, everyone#39s responsibility Please maintain ecological balance 77动物和咱是一家,保护动物靠大家 Animals and we are a family, to protect animals by everyone 78动物是人类的朋友,请。



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