

1very 修饰原级形容词和副词以及完全形容词性化显著地英语的现在分词或过去分词,如tired, ashamed, exciting等注意1 非形容词性化显著地英语的分词不能用very修饰, 可用much修饰 例She is very pleased by his words × She。

#643adv 尤其地 主要地,格外地 显著地 异常地例句Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。

总之,正确的英语发音对于学习和掌握英语非常重要尽管刚开始可能会有一定难度,但是只要进行充分的训练,并尝试结合多种学习方法,就可以显著地提高自己的口语和听力水平eating双语例句1Eating too much sugar can lead。

spanking #39sp#230#331ki#331adj 强烈的疾行的,疾驰的 n 打屁股拍击 adv 显著地 v 拍打严厉斥责spank的ing形式或1spanking #39sp#230#331ki#331n拍打拍击 打屁股。

of course 当然 after all 毕竟 significantly 明显地显著地 interestingly 有趣的是 also 并且,另外 surely 肯定必定地 certainly 当然 undoubtedly 毫无疑问地 in any case 在任何情况下无论如何 anyway 反正不管怎。

Other factors may also significantly influence a project#39s success, most notably显著地, the size of a scientist#39s personal and professional networks, and how much a researcher promotes a project on their。

以下插入语都是“值得注意的是”英语翻译1It is noteworthy that双语例句It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original Augustslot to July 值得注意的是该节目已从原来8月份的档期换到。


noticeable 显而易见的,显著的值得注意的 noteworthy 值得注意的显著的 advnoticeably显著地,明显地引人注目地 nnotification 通知通告法 告示 vnoted 注意记下note的过去式和过去分词vtnotify。

标签: 显著地英语


