

1、The shrimp, the roasted chicken wing roasts in the wing the grilled fish to roast the wing point。

2、烤鸡翅RoastChickenWings 上校鸡块Colonel’sCrispyChickenStripswithHomestyleSides 鸡米花ChickenPopcorn 大鸡腿FreshGradeLegs 小鸡腿ChickenDrumsticks 鸡胸肉FreshGradeBreast 鸡翅膀ChickenWings 鳕鱼ling 炸薯条。

3、45 烤鸡翅 Roast Chicken Wings 46 上校鸡块 Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 47 大鸡腿 Fresh Grade Legs 48 小鸡腿 Chicken Drumsticks 49 鸡胸肉 Fresh Grade Breast 50。

4、烤鸡翅 Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花 Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿 Fresh Grade Legs 小鸡腿 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡胸肉 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡翅膀。

5、汉堡包 Hamburger 劲脆就 extra tasty crispy 鸡肉卷 Chicken Loaf 原味鸡 Original Recipe 烤鸡翅 Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花 Chicken。

6、汉堡包 Hamburger 鸡肉卷 Chicken Loaf 原味鸡 Original Recipe 烤鸡翅 Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花 Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿 Fresh Grade。

7、Roast chicken wings, I give you eat roast 参考资料有道翻译。

8、或者你是说涂在外面一层的面包碎片bread crumb 沙拉Salad 材料 西红柿tomato, 胡罗卜 carrot 火鸡片 turkeyturkey meat 菜 veggie cheese 奶酪 酱的话, Ranch白白的那个酱, 我不知道用中文怎么说 Musta。

9、在麦当劳肯德基可用的英语点餐用语如下1问May I help you? What can I get for you today? 有什么可以帮助到您的您要点什么答 Yes 这句也可以不答,直接点餐2问For here or to go。


10、I made an interview with my mother for making roast chicken wings,she said,quot The chicken wings brought from supermarket need to be washed by water,cleaning up the left feather on the wings,and make them。

11、5 big, medium,small 6 圣代 Sundae 甜筒 Icecream cone 下面是详细的中英文对照供你参考汉堡包 Hamburger 劲脆就 extra tasty crispy 鸡肉卷 Chicken Loaf 原味鸡 Original Recipe 烤鸡翅 Roast。

12、barbecue 烧烤肉 Pancake 甜食多吃cheese cake, funnel cake, Pie 甜饼? Chow main 中国炒面中国人从来不吃的, 土豆片这个是纽约发明的buffalo wings 烤鸡翅英文是对的 中文是对应翻译的。

13、短语搭配Curry Chicken咖喱鸡,咖喱鸡球,咖喱鸡肉Szechuan Chicken四川炒鸡球,四川鸡,四川抄鸡球Chicken Wings鸡翅膀,鸡翅,鸡翅三部曲,烤鸡翅Chicken Run小鸡快跑,落跑鸡,小鸡别跑,咪走鸡stuffed chicken八宝鸡。

14、中文肯德基寒香稻蘑饭,榨菜肉丝汤,粤味咕老肉 英文KFC cold rice mushroom rice,mustard pork soup,Guangdong cushions smell old meat 绝对正确,要采纳。



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