

But I think this is wrong My spare time should be rich and colorful业余生活英语, for example业余生活英语, I can learn to sing, read extracurricular books and draw pictures而业余生活英语我觉得这样是不对的,业余生活应该丰富多彩,比如可以学习;丰富业余生活的英文enrich spare time spare 读法 英 spe#601 美 sp#603r1adj 额外的,备用的多余的瘦高的,瘦长的简朴的未装饰的空闲的少量的节约的 2v 饶恕不伤害不毁坏。

I#39m always busy doing all kinds of thingsFrom Monday to Friday ,I have to study at schoolSo I have my spare time only on weekendsI like playing computer games at homeIn the afternoon,I usually;我爱我的工作我有很多朋友他们就是学生们我喜欢和学生们一起打篮球,做游戏等放假业余生活英语了,我就在家看书,上网聊天,听听歌这些都是我的爱好我很喜欢现在的生活这就是十年之后的我你们呢 望采纳。


My Hobby My hobby is fishing I am fond of going fishing, for it is both interesting and iastructiveIt tempers my willpower Last Sunday I went fishing with my friend, He Ping We started at daybreak;I am a middle school student Though I#39m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorfulAfter school I usually play sports I like basketball and football very much Sports help me to keep health。


迈克和汤姆是好朋友他们在同一个班级,他们有不同的爱好 迈克是一个活跃的男孩,他经常在放学后和朋友一起踢足球,他比班上其他的男孩踢得都要好 汤姆是一个胖乎乎的,文静的男孩,他的业余时间喜欢画画,他画得。

学习一些兴趣和爱好的单词,谈论业余活动下面就由我为大家带来关于业余活动的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获关于业余活动的相关短语 业余活动 leisuretime activity 业余活动Leisure activities 业余活动 Free Time。

名人的业余生活用英语正确的描述是The spare life of the celebrity 其中spare life是指业余生活,比方说You could be a dentist in your spare life, 可以描述为你业余生活可以成为一名牙医同时,上句里的Celebrity指的。

我想看电影和读书是最有趣的,比任何爱好我爱生活我的业余爱好英语作文80字篇4 As a middle school student,I learn many subjects,I study so hard every day When I get home,I will do my homework and th。

amateur指quot外行的,非专业的quot我的翻译是the life in my spare time。


I am a student ,and I have lots of hobbies like playing football,or swimmingOn weekends,I often help my mother do some housework ,such as washing clothes,sweeping the floorI like reading books too。

周末生活 这个周末的天气很好,很舒适,两天都是晴天人们都迫不及待的要出去散散步,因为之前已经下业余生活英语了好长一段时间的雨有的人去远足,有的人去购物或者与朋友相聚至于我,我周六只能呆在家里,因为我的父母很忙。

Abandons the book mountain excessive assignments heavy pressure the study life, I when studying likes the matter which does being many, for example writes a letter to the friend, chats the life with them the。

“业余爱好”的英文avocationhobby 一hobby 读法 英 #39h#594b#618 美 #39hɑbi作名词的意思是嗜好业余爱好 同根词hobbyist 业余爱好者沉溺于某嗜好之人 例句What do you think is his。

I also am so I do not like my life doing too tired, even if is tired, must to do some happy matters, but is laborious From infancy to maturity, I have liked broadcasting, love sound world From。



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