

1、二“这几天”的英文表达有多种,比如these days ,lately,recently 等等只是楼主搞错这几天英语了,不小心将其英文意思误写成了中文“这几天”三楼主想说的是请把“这几天”的中文翻译成英文不小心把“中”和“英。

2、during these days这些天在这些日子里 例句 During these days I cant read English or even cant talk with others 这些天来,我不能读英语,甚至不能与别人交谈 扩展资料 During these days, p。

3、1 It’s been raining for days 这几天从早到晚一直在下雨一直没停过2 It’s been raining these days 这几天老在下雨下了停,停了下另外两种常用而地道的美语,其义与 2 很接近3 It’s been。

4、What is going on with you these days 这是习惯的问法,很地道的。

5、I this several days to work, recover the rest of the Spring Festival holiday。

6、Are you okay these days?Are you fine these days。

7、It will take several days不过,如前面说明了问题,现在时可以表将来,作为计划 应为It takes several days。

8、之所以使用been而不是gone原因是have gone表示某人去了某处,并且还留在某处,have been at somewhere表示某人去了某处,并且回来了 此处其实也可以使用where have you gone these days,前提是语言环境表示这两个人是在通电话。


9、1It#39s always like this recently,isn#39t it?2What#39s the weather like in summer Britain?3It#39s fine #39s not very hotcold today,isn#39t it?5It#39s raining cats and dogs!不用谢。

10、how are you doing these days?how is everything going these days。

11、I haven#39t seen you these days, where have you been。

12、这几天我很忙I#39m quite busy these days这几天英语你在中国待多久?How long will you stay in China?有空我再联系这几天英语你 I#39ll contact when i#39m available。

13、I#39ve checked my bank account, but the money is not there yet I#39ll keep checking the bank account the following days Please be assured that I#39ll have the goods delivered as soon as the money is。

14、The weather was bad yesterday In fact, it has been very bad these days。


标签: 这几天英语



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