

7 这个年轻采纳英文的军官被指控滥用职权,被警方逮捕8 在电影院里大声喧哗需要被禁止原意应该有一个禁令来针对在电影院里大声喧哗9 当简Jane女名发现事情没有她预想的那样发生,她感到很失望10采纳英文;另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟问题九翻译成英文我已经把资料放在附件里,请查收 The attachment is the information that you want, please check The thingsinfo you want is with the。

accept, 就是认可的意思,例被大学“录用”,你的证书quot合格quot看你的 采纳指什么, 如果是采纳意见, 那你可以说adopt a suggestion, take the advice采纳英文;obtained the certificate of 年6月,准许毕业,获得学士学位证书6 graduated in June, 2008, honored with bachelor#39s degree certificate注, 你的中文不是完整的句子,所以英文我也给你短句。

Life is like a dolphin dazzling primary pearls, they are connected in series, like a beautiful necklace to show in my eyes, and I treasure worth ponderingForget that time, I was in third grade In the;In fact, US Steel is more likely to be hurt in the long run by substitute products than by its immediate steel company rivals also must consider whether to make substitute materials or stick。


聘方欢迎受聘方提出意见,并酌情采纳此句在英文聘约合同固定的译法是The engaging party welcomes any suggestions put forword by the engaged party and will take them into favorable consideration in so far as。

那就是approved,已经确认 这个和verification又有点不同采纳英文了,approved就是说这个email的作用是告诉你已经通过了Verification还是需要确认的问题十请查收 英文怎么说 Please receivecheck it请采纳吧。

分不少了,我来复制完发现单词间没有空格要word版请留言Weinan Hightech Zone Huachuang ElectromechanicalEquipment Manufacturing Co Ltd, situated in Weinan City Shanxi Province, was found inthe year of 2010。


这位朋友你好你所说的“还有一个提问”是不是就是翻译这句话如果是的话,我的翻译如下Though I know little about economics, I do know for sure that a desirable and suitable job is the key Only when。


1、1He wants to buy some sweaters and think about selling these sports goods to school supplies are on a big sale,we can buy pen ereaser and ruler with the most favoursble price。

2、重庆市委英文Chongqing Municipal Committee 重庆市教委英文Chongqing Education Commission 或者Chongqing Education Board,这是国外教委的说法。

3、The Data in the Tucows Registrar WHOIS database is provided to you by Tucows for information purposes only, and may be used to assist you in obtaining information about or related to a domain name#39s。

4、Whereas marketing channels connect the marketer to the target buyers, the supply chain describes a longer channel stretching from raw materials to components to final products that are carried to final buyers For。

5、can put down the voice 我希望你能把声音放小些 英语翻译 希望你能加入我们 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题 Hope you can join us我希望你采纳我的建议英文 Hope that you can adopt my suggestions。

6、How to Write a Book Review A book review discusses quotthe quality, meaning, and significance of a book,quot according to the Los Angeles Valley College library ref 1, graf 1 They are not plot summaries。

7、1 not until then did he realize that he met with much of the risk of2 unless you get up early tomorrow, or you will miss the early bus 3 if you exercise, you will keep healthy 4 if he calls。


标签: 采纳英文



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