

来秋或_不熟,将如之何”宋苏轼雷州诗之一“灌园以糊口,身自杂苍头”清纪昀阅微草堂笔记·如是养家糊口英语我闻三“平生以馆_糊口”郭沫若后悔“两个月的苦工换得八十块钱来,可以糊口养家养家糊口英语;1 In order to get a good job, he made his biggest effort to do everything2为了赚足够的钱来养家糊口2 In order to earn enough money to feed their families3为了玩得愉快一点,他准备了好多天3。

面包黄油=养家糊口 面包黄油可谓是美国人餐桌上的主食,所以bread and butter在英语里也象征一个人的工作饭碗,还有养家糊口的意思bread and butter 基本生活资料生计 Bread is North Americansrsquo staplestaple;在大萧条时期,许多穷困的黑人经营抽彩赌博,以期赢得足够的钱来养家糊口 impulsive a 冲动的 认知本词词根为“pulse”如“impulse”与其同源 inabilities n 无能, 无力 inaccessible a ~ to达不到的, 难以接近。


为了养家糊口,你经常在外出差工作压力这么大,你还没日没夜的担心养家糊口英语我每次打电话给我告诉我专心学习,告诉我注意身体,告诉我睡觉要盖被子当你旅行归来,第一件事就是把我抱在怀里,看我是不是长高了 非常感谢养家糊口英语!妈妈!你在从;1The society is indifferent to what he has done,considering it order to support the family financially,he has to do jobs he isn#39t interested in at the perspect of the society。

养家糊口用英文support a family 词汇解析 1support 英s#601#39p#596#720t美s#601#39p#596rtvt 支持,支撑,支援扶持 n 支持,维持支援,供养 例Each slab was nailed to two str;keep the house意为“管理家务”keep the family意为“养家糊口” It contained 54,951 coins dating from the year 260枚,都是公元260275年间的硬币 dating from在句中作定语,相当于定语从。

1Sandy has been out of work for half an year,and is not able to feed hi family2This is a book which every kind of people would be interest in3If I am of help,tell me4Arthur is at hi 30s;1The Country Squire In a small pretty village in Notting ham shire there formerly lived a respectable Squire, who excelled all his friends in amusements athletic, and whose manner of living was far from。


译文An apple a day keeps the doctor away原文一天一个苹果医生远离我 重点词汇away 例句1He lives 3 miles away from here他住在距离这里三英里的地方2He lives in retirement, away from everyone。


putting in 60hour weeks to support his family 是现在分词短语作句子的伴随状语,它的逻辑主语是句子的主语 Trevor,是Trevor 每周工作60个小时,60hour是定语,修饰weeksto support his family 是动词不定式作目的状语。

bring home the bacon 赚钱养家糊口 7他是老板BANANA 1bananas 在俚语中是指发疯的to be crazy I am so bored that I#39m going bananas我烦的要死,快要发疯了像这个意思的词组大家比较熟悉的是。

2 bring home the bacon 养家糊口 earn a salary, make money for your family 挣钱养家 When our parents died in an accident, and my sister and I remained alone, I had to leave college and bring home th。


我的父母都是懒散工人,为了支付我的学费,他们在过去的xx年里一直在努力工作,作为我家唯一的儿子,总之,我要承担起养家糊口的重担,薪水是我选择职业的第一个也是唯一的考虑因素英语作文模板2如何择业Salary or。

raise 是及物动词,是”抬高”,“提高”的意思,强调动作的姿态,反义 词是lower放低例如raise one’s hand 举手 raise a flag 升旗 raise a stone 搬石头 raise one’s voice 提高嗓门说话 raise the rate。



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