

暑假以后,她又来了问题二暑假来临了用英语怎么说? Summer Vacation is ing 楼上说的用短语没错,不过这个题目本意不能变,the ing summer holiday意思是“即将来临的暑假”问题三#39暑假就要到了#39的英文怎么说。

Summer is coming soon,we all have our own plans。

My summer holiday is coming,I have a lot of plans。

Summer vacation coming soon! I plan to go to my friends and travel, ready to take the train to Xiamen, where I heard a very good environment and beautiful scenery I have to bring some summer clothes。

The summer vacation is comming,we are all making a good planThey are all planning that thingYesterday he planned to camp,but today he can#39t make itWhat#39s your plan?His mother is not at home,so he。


写作思路根据题目要求,围绕暑假计划展开描写After a semester of intense study, I have worked out a summer vacation schedule 一学期的紧张学习终于熬过去了我制定了一份暑假计划表,来看一下吧First of all。

既然是学生,我就写的简单点Summer vacation is coming, and many of my classmates start to make plans for their vacations Some of them will go to the scenic spots with ther parents, like the West Lake。


假期计划 暑假就要来了我也必使他的计划这个假期首先,读了几本书,我真的很想读这学期其次,开始为下学期做准备其三,来帮助我的父母做家务最后,去拜访我的祖父母,引进的一些方法,保持身体健康 3 My holiday Jack I have。

Summer holiday is comingI am happy that i can relax myself in my own way I will spend one half of my holiday finishing my homework and the other half relax myselfFirst,i am going to visit my gra。

20120704 暑假计划英语作文,50~60个单词 最好都是be going 4 20200706 愉快的暑假生活就要开始了,写写你的计划和打算吧,不少于五句话 20141120 假期快要到了你有什么计划吗?用begoingto结构来写一写。

i can#39t stop thinking the great things tomorrow what about yours? how many days do you have to play with your parents? go out with parents明天对我来说是非常重要的一天为什么因为我的父母双亲将带我。



The summer holiday is comingOur class discuss holiday plansWe have some different opinionsHere are mainly two kinds of opinionsIn the first opinion, we can stay at home because of spending little money。



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