

1、1I have been here all the timehave been已经 here在这里 这时 在这一点上 这里 喂 嗨 all the time一直 向来我一直都在英文, 一向 时时刻刻 每时每刻 Dearest, please be brave I have been here all the。

2、我一直都在英文表达为I am always here重点词汇解释1always adv 永远,一直总是常常 双语例句Wet weather always depresses me阴雨天总使我心情抑郁2here adv 在这里此时 int 嘿喂n。

3、我一直都在的英文翻译是I have been here all the time重点词汇分析all the time 英 #596l #240#601 taim 美 #596l #240i ta#618m在该段时间内一直 向来, 一向 时时刻刻。

4、我一直都在,从来没有离开翻译为英文是I#39ve always been here and never left注请提问者及时采纳。

5、不可使用will啦,因为你想表达的意思是过去现在将来你都为她而存在,而不是你将要为她而在楼下的一位我认同I am always there for you。

6、宝贝,我一直都在 Baby,I have been here all the time 宝贝,我一直都在 Baby,I have been here all the time。

7、quothave been aroundquot是一个习惯用语指的是一个男人或女人在当地或者附近区域有多个性伴侣I#39ve been around 可以翻译为我这个人有多个性伴侣举例Ok, yes, I#39ve been around, but that doesn#39t mean I#39m。

8、我一直都在原地等你,我在, 宝贝 ,我没有停止过爱你 一刻也没有我一直都在英文!翻译成英文就是I have always been here waiting for you , my baby, and I didn#39t stop loving you for any minute!开心快乐每一天。

9、英文翻译“我一直都在陪伴着你”I have been with you all the time或 I was with you all the time或 I am always with you或 I have been at your side all the time或 I was atby your side all。

10、No matter what, i will be there for you, as long as you are trying to be successfulI always have been。

11、你需要我的时候我一直都在你的身边的英文I#39ve been on your side whenever you need side 读法 英 sa#618d 美 sa#618d1n 方面侧面旁边 2vi 支持赞助偏袒 3adj 旁的,侧的。

12、我一直都在英文他已经等了一个多小时,开始变得急躁了2We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn#39t turn up等了半天也没见他来3I#39ve been waiting for the weather to break 我一直在等待着暴风雨。

13、I have been reading since two and a half hours ago“一直都在读书”从过去到现在,还可能持续到将来,所以用“have been reading” 现在完成进行时“since”表示“以来”,后加一个过去的时间点也可用“for”,引导一。


14、Since the holidays, I have been in class。

15、I have always been with you 我一直和你在一起我将与你同在 另一种解释世界上最动人的话不是IoveYou,而是I have always been with You我一直都在重点词汇 always常常 总是,老是 永远,始终 不断。

16、I have always been painting drawing the beautiful picture of the future 注意,必须使用“现在完成进行时”,因为过去,现在和将来你都一直在“画”着,对吗。

17、问题四有我在 翻译成英文是怎样的? I#39m here 我在这里,有我在 I#39m with you我会和你在一起,我会帮你,我会陪着你,有我在,I#39m always standing by 我一直都在,随时待命 问题五“别害怕,有我。



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