

挂掉电话挂了英语怎么说的英文表达可以是hang up the phonehang up the phone挂了英语怎么说的双语例句1He was so frustrated that he decided to just hang up the phone他非常沮丧挂了英语怎么说,决定挂断电话2 If someone calls and starts being。

我挂挂了英语怎么说了_有道翻译 翻译结果I hung up the the 英 #240#601#240i美 #240#601 #240iart 这那 adv 更加用于比较级,最高级前更多释义 网络短语The #1194,各项,本。

As soon as I put dowm the phone,I wrote a return letter to him。


挂的英文HangSuspend等1挂 Hang动词用法 在最常见的意义下,“挂”是“hang”的意思例如,“She hung the painting on the wall”她把画挂在墙上,“He hung the clothes on the line to dry。



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