

对感兴趣的英语是be interested in兴趣用英语怎么说,become interested in,take an interest in,have an interest in等等对感兴趣的英语 1I am sure professional and amateur athletes will be interested in the。


兴趣的英文是什么 英 #712h#594bi 美 #712hɑbihobby n 业余爱好 嗜好,兴趣 小马hobby的英语例句 Whatrsquos your hobby兴趣用英语怎么说?你的爱好是什么兴趣用英语怎么说?This hobby educates one not only in the。

兴趣 n savour, savor,interest 广泛的兴趣 catholic tastes不感兴趣 be not interested in感兴趣 be interested in各有各的兴趣 Tastes differ他对科学发生兴趣用英语怎么说了兴趣 He has developed an interest in science他的。

在所有商品中,兴趣用英语怎么说我对棉布特别感兴趣Among all the merchandise, I was interested in the cotton piece in particular感兴趣用英语怎么说我开始感兴趣墓志I started to get interested in epitaphs你为什么对在这教书。



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