

1、回信 huí xìn 1 reply 2 write back 例句与用法1 我没收到回信I had no reply to my letter2 任他没完没回信用英语怎么说了地给我写信回信用英语怎么说,我就是不回信He can write me letters till he#39s blue in the face。

2、soonreply 答复回信用英语怎么说,回信希望帮到你 看到楼下回信用英语怎么说的回答,补充下reply, return, answer 后都可接to,而reply to固定搭配,表示答复,回信用write to 也可以,表示写信给,或给某人写信供参考参考资料译苦思甜。

3、1hear from 2I#39m waiting for your reply回信用英语怎么说! Quickly after you receive my information back to me! 3He is writing to that girl 4can you write back to me 5The book is not worth to buy。

4、write back英语英语English是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰这两个。

5、回信英语的说法是reply to a letter,非常明确的地道的表示回信的一种表达请please好吗would you? 或者 will you?其中would you比较委婉一些,如果你不是特别在乎对方的反应的话,一般用will you?来表达也是可以的还。

6、reply sb就行了 1 if it is convenient to you ,remembr to reply her2 have you replied that girl?3 He wrote many letters to the girl, but did not receive a reply 4 You#39d better give her back to。

7、非常荣幸能收到你的来信,很抱歉这么晚回复你,也希望这并没有影响到你的安排It is my great pleasure to receive your letter I’m terribly sorry for my late reply, and hope that it wouldn’t affect your。

8、Dear,We are very glad to receive your letterWe#39d like to offer you our images you need and we will send our photographer to the cronogram taking the photos in high resolution for youHarbin Tomorrow。

9、Look forward to hearing from youLook forward to翻译为期盼hearing from you翻译为收到你的来信一look forward to的用法 1释义 盼望,期待 2例句 We look forward to the opportunity to work with。

10、您好,很高兴为您解答翻译为 Ihope to gets your reply letter 希望采纳。

11、示例如下称呼Dear MrSurname问候Hello!正文I have received your letter My opinion is as the follows结语Yours sincerely,回信人名字your name示范介绍信Dear Mr Ms尊敬的先生小姐 This is。


12、I am expecting your reply= I am looking forward to your reply writing back希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼*^__^*。

13、I am very glad to receive your letter in reply~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问*^__^* ~~~。

14、sorry for taking so long to reply, as i was busy preparing the coming exam these days, i don#39t think you will be angry with me, will you。

15、Dear Song WeiIn your last letter ,you asked me about the idea of buying a new computer for studyHere are my opinionI thing there is no need to buy a computer First ,since you are in high。

16、Dear,Thank you very much for the New Year greeting card your good company sent us on the occasion of the arrival of the new yearOur company enjoys a trade relationship with your good company for more。



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