

1、quot悉尼quot悉尼英文简介的英文是quotSydneyquot拓展悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市悉尼英文简介,也是澳大利亚新南威尔士州的首府它位于澳大利亚东海岸,濒临太平洋,是一个充满活力和魅力的国际大都市悉尼是澳大利亚的经济金融和文化中心,也是澳大利亚最重要的;悉尼被称为“世界活化石博物馆”据统计,悉尼有鸟类650多种,其中约450种是悉尼特有的 介绍悉尼的英文简介悉尼的英文简介Sydney, located on the southeast coast of Australia, is the capital of New South Wales and the;悉尼 Sydney in Sydney, new south wales, Australia#39s capital, on the verge of the south Pacific, is the largest city in Australia and Oceania and ports, it is also one of the world#39s most bustling;Sydney 5sidnin悉尼雪梨澳大利亚东南部港市,新南威尔士州首府Sydney 5sIdnIn悉尼澳大利亚Sydney AHDssup1d#147nparaDJ6sidni8KK6s悉尼英文简介!dniNONE A city of southeast Australia。


2、which city do you like best悉尼英文简介? would you like to share it with me悉尼英文简介? i#39m here澳大利亚是一个亚洲国家它位于太平洋的中部首都是堪培拉而不是澳大利亚最著名的城市悉尼澳大利亚的东北部有很多世界著名的最佳名胜,例如。

3、whose territory extended from Botany Bay to Pittwater There are some 2000 Aboriginal 土著居民的rock engraving sites in the Sydney area, and many of Sydney#39s suburbs have Aboriginal names The city of Sy;Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales, located on the east coast of Australia With a metropolitan population of over 4 million people, it is the most populous city in the countryBuilt around Syd。

4、悉尼的英语Sydney一地理特点悉尼位于澳大利亚东海岸,被世界著名的悉尼港环绕该地区地势起伏,拥有壮丽的海岸线美丽的海滩和宜人的气候,是一个理想的度假胜地悉尼港是世界上最大的天然海港之一,也是悉尼市区的;正文Sydney has a subtropical humid climate with annual rainfall The weather in Sydney is regulated by the adjacent ocean, so the inland western urban area is slightly more continental悉尼属于副热带湿润气候;悉尼的英文简介Sydney, located on the southeast coast of Australia, is the capital of New South Wales and the largest and most populous city in Australia Sydney has a highly developed financial, manufacturing;问题三澳大利亚的悉尼用英文怎么说 Sydney of Australia 问题四悉尼在澳大利亚用英语怎么说 Sydney is in Austrilia 问题五澳大利亚最著名的地方悉尼用英语怎么读 悉尼 悉尼Sydney,台湾官方译为雪梨,澳大;悉尼Sydney,繁体译名“雪梨”,位于澳大利亚东南沿海地带,是新南威尔斯州的首府,是澳大利亚大洋洲及南半球第一大城市和港口,世界公认十大最繁华的国际大都市之一悉尼是欧洲首个澳洲殖民聚落,1788年由英国第一舰队的。

5、opera house, facing each other across the sea, as an icon of Sydney 悉尼海港大桥是早期悉尼的代表建筑,它像一道横贯海湾的长虹,巍峨俊秀,气势磅礴,与举世闻名的悉尼歌剧院隔海相望,成为悉尼的象征之一;“澳大利亚的首都是悉尼”英文表达,是The capital of Australia is Sydney但是这个意思表达的是错误的,澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉The capital of Australia is Canberra“的首都”译为the capital of + 国家例;1悉尼的英语 Sydney读音英#39s#618dn#618 美#39s#618dn#6182例句Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney 今天,马奥尼自己到悉尼最好的一家旅馆办理了入住;英语澳大利亚城市悉尼 Sydney#39s landmark Opera House Australia#39s premier city is the oldest settlement in Australia, the economic powerhouse of the nationThe Sydney area was the ancestral home of the Daruk tribe。



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