

Nowadays girls like some movie stars or singers They are crazy about those stars I am a girl英语作文我喜欢的明星, too But I am not one of them The stars I prefer is the true musicians英语作文我喜欢的明星, such as Bach and Beethoven。


My favourite star is who called Luhan我最喜欢的明星叫鹿晗I think he is the most handsome man worldwide我认为他是世界范围内最帅的男人In my eyes,Luhan is a perfect idol who has no shortages but。

he has no time to play football nowI hope he will be happy all his life, for he is loved by all of us流行歌手 周华健是我最欣赏的流行乐坛的歌手他不仅相貌英俊,而且唱得很动听,因此我很喜欢他10。

我最喜欢的明星 Jay Zhou, who was born in Taiwanin , is my favorite singer He has produced many loved by lots of teenagers One of his famous songs, Qing Huaci, is my favorite I like him because。

My favourite star is Emma Watson She is famous for starring in the movie quotHarry Potterquot She is a beautiful young lady with luscious brown hair and an amazing figure But that#39s not all, she is also。





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