

1题目关键词the woman,state her opinions,explain the reasons,2答题要领1clearly state the woman#39s opinion of the proposal 2clearly summarize the reasons for her opinion3阅读材料要点1 thetpo口语答案;1题目关键词the man, state his opinions , explain the reasons 2答题要领1clearly state the man#39s opinion 2clearly summarize the reasons for his opposition3阅读材料要点1 discontinue the;1题目关键词explain why, the woman 2答题要领1clearly state her stand2clearly summarize the reasons for her opposition3阅读材料要点1 decided to acquire a sculpture2 reasons against;1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some;1题目关键词explain why, the woman 2答题要领1state the woman#39s opinion about the proposal2explain the reasons for her opinion3阅读材料要点1 close the campus coffeehouse2 the first。

1 Specifically tell the examiner one skill or ability that you believe a student should havecooking, being teamspirited, being organized2 Ideally state 2 reasons why you believe this skillability is;1题目关键词 ritualization, the example of dogs 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the;1题目关键词explain, its effects, computer company 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the;1题目关键词the man, state his opinion, explain the reasons 2答题要领1clearly state the man#39s opinion of the university#39s plan 2clearly summarize the reasons for his opinion 3阅读材料要点。


1题目关键词 telephone, cultural lag 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test。

1题目关键词 pronghorn and lion, relict behavior 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the;1题目关键词 examples, social learning 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test;2015年9月5日托福口语真题及答案解析Task 1 When do you think is a good time for a person to learn a second languagetpo口语答案?I think a good time for a person to learn a second language is around middle school;1题目关键词 Perceptual constancy, examples 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the lecture。

1题目关键词explain why, the woman 2答题要领1state the woman#39s opinion about the plan2explain the reasons for her opinion3阅读材料要点1 the university will hold two graduation;1答题要领1specifically reveal the name of the book 2ideally include 2 reasons why you like the book3务必包含具体原因和细节,如书籍的名字和作者2观点提示1If this is a book on American;1题目关键词 macaw, flagship species 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test。

标签: tpo口语答案



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