

Education plays a significant role in the development of a country这个句子运用了一下英语知识1主谓宾结构这个句子的主干是“Education plays a significant role”发挥作用英语,其中 Education 是主语发挥作用英语,plays 是谓语动词;make a difference这里difference作“作用”讲;sport的中文意思是运动体育一含义 n 运动体育 vi 嬉戏炫耀戏弄 adj 运动的户外穿戴的 二用法 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的desport,意为娱乐sport的基本意思是“运动”,引申可作“娱乐;中国在这件事上发挥了很大的作用用英语的说法是China has played a great role in this matter你用different是不对的,这个different是不同的意思,不是作用的意思;发挥作用的英语短语篇1 1 Competition between companies is too fierce for selfregulation to work公司间的竞争过于激烈,自发挥作用英语我调节机制已无法发挥作用2 Finally, he could do no more, which is where Jacques;我能发挥作用 I can play a role I#39m AnnI#39m 13 years oldI come from NO1 Middle SchoolLast Sunday,I went to help a little dog from the Love and Care Centre for animalsI like animals very much。

可用play an important role play a significant role play a central role is instrumentalcentral to但一楼提供的 act as the important role 有误导作用,第二个短语也错了;to take care of a little dogMy task is to feed it with some bones fresh vegetables and gave it a bathNow I can play a role in reality主题是星期日志愿帮助小狗,结尾是我能在现实生活中发挥作用。

发挥作用英语是指用英语表达自己的观点或实现目标的能力学好英语不仅可以扩展我们的沟通渠道,还能增加我们的学习和工作机会在当今社会,英语已成为世界上最重要的语言之一有了良好的英语水平,我们可以更好地理解国际事务;play a partrole in起作用,在中扮演角色例句Words play a tremendous part role in your everyday life话语在人们的日常生活中起着重大作用例句Teachers play a part on their own volition as the;在环境保护中发挥作用英语是Everyone should play a role in the environmental protectionplay a role in翻译成中文的意思是在起作用例句如下Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how;朗读,背单词根据今日头条官网查询得知1每天坚持听英语并且跟着朗读,可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力2每天坚持背诵单词,有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作;发挥重要作用的英语是play an important role例句He plays an important role in helping the people there翻译发挥作用英语他在帮助那里的人方面发挥重要作用role的意思是作用,角色短语perform a role 扮演角色 role的;为您解答 At present, women are playing a very important role in the field of science。


be proud of意为“为而骄傲自豪”they played in the company#39s growth作role的定语从句,其中短语play a rolein意为“在中发挥作用”英语四级考点归纳短语work up在口语中经常出现,还可细化为如下搭配。



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