

摘要的英语说法2summary 摘要相关英语表达摘要簿 abstract book 信息摘要 Information Abstracts 摘要的英语例句1 First摘要用英语怎么说, we have this roundup of the day#39s news首先来看今天的新闻摘要2 The material below is摘要用英语怎么说;是机理方面还是方法的创新应给予明确简洁,尽量用短句,谓语动词应尽量靠近主语,突出主要的信息规范,应选用标准的英语词汇,避免行话和俗语等不规范词汇主题词英语标题和关键词中的一致符合语法规则中文摘要一般无主语。

The design of the package is a package of local cuisines Ermao chicken, chicken Ermao located in Handan quotEight Cuisines of local flavorquot of the first, and therefore, when the redesign of its packaging摘要用英语怎么说;Summary Frost and freezing condensation phenomenon is widespread in air conditioning and refrigeration field, resulting in a lot of wasted energy, the traditional method of inhibiting condensation and freezing frost。

问题一“摘要”用英文怎么说 digest a monthly news digest 每月新闻摘要 问题二“摘要”用英语怎么说 abstract 摘要 问题三英文摘要怎么翻译 Abstract Chopin is the great Poland musicians, and at the same;Abstract SMEs in expanding employment, an active market and increase revenue, ensure social stability and form a rational economic structure have not played an irreplaceable role So developed countries to attach。

From September, 2008, the international finance Tsunami engulfs the entire world, China inevitably has also been under the impact, the real estate market comprehensively murky, the real estate profession is not;因此,用英文写摘要,对学习英语写作的学生来说,不失为一种切合实际的方法下面谈谈如何写好英文摘要1细读原文首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原文总的意思和结构,明确全文的主题the maintheme和各段的段落。

摘要用英文表达为digest或是abstract,读音为da#618#712d#658est,d#618#712d#658est,#712#230bstr#230kt重点词汇解释1digest vt 消化吸收融会贯通 vi 消化 n 文摘;Abstract Chopin is the great Poland musicians, and at the same time, representatives and romantic music Chopin#39squotarmyquot Poland dance op40nr1 is a national character of the works, the works of national。



Abstract Science in Higher Vocational Colleges Ideological and political theory course practice teaching is an important basis for guiding the practice of teaching organization and operation In this paper, the。

用abstract ,summary 都可以。


digest n分类, 摘要 abstract n摘要, 概要, 抽象 adj抽象的, 深奥的, 理论的 vt摘要, 提炼, 抽象化。

In the era of global competition, enterprises and the state can not be the only competitors, and between cities in the region national and even worldwide competition will become increasingly prominent。

学院专业学号作者姓名指导教师姓名小四号宋体字,加粗,依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中Abstract This paper centers on the different expressions of 英文摘要上空二行题目采用五号“。


Abstract 1 an excerpt an abridgement an abstract a compendium a digest a summary 2to condense Key words 来自谷歌在线翻译,其实也还不错。

论文英语摘要的翻译如下English Abstract of Thesis英语的重要性如下1扩宽学生的视野和思考能力学习英语要从小开始,学生在学习英语的过程中,能够摘要用英语怎么说了解外国的语言文化,在和摘要用英语怎么说他人交流的过程中,自己也会了解如何应用英语。



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