

London is the capital of the United Kingdom and the Constituent Country of England,and is the largest city in the European UnionAn important settlement for two millennia,London#39s history goes back to its fo。


Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is very different from living there Each part of London has its own character Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better。


The language used in the city more than 300 kinds At the same time, London or world famous tourist resort, with numerous scenic spots and museum, etcLondon will host the 2012 Olympics in London。

standing in the London Bridge to enjoy this unique architectureTower Bridge of London is a lot of bridge on Thames River, is located in the downstream of A Tower Bridge with two towers as substrate, the。


London was also a center of the Industrial Revolution c 1750 and a showcase for both the material progress and the dire social ills it created In the twentieth century, the city has rebuilt and renewe。



写伦敦的文章你好如果觉得多可以删除一段London introduction London location London is Britain#39s political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the largest port and the first industrial city, one of the ten cities。



Bob#39s your uncle 如果有人这么对写伦敦的文章你说,这并不代表着你有一个很久没有联系的叔叔在伦敦伦敦人使用这个表达方式表明某事已经完成或者某事没有任何的问题例如,quotYou just plug it in, turn _disibledevent=quot3quotDog#39s dinner当。

London, the most important industrial city of England, serves as the center of its political, economic and cultural life Located in the southeast of England, it covers an area of 1580 square kilometers, the。

伦敦也是世界著名的quot雾都quot这里五天中就有一天是雾天,这里的 雾常常弥漫不散,连续好几天,空中都是充满了白茫的小水滴泰晤士河 两岸的尖顶教堂,高层建筑都被掩盖起来,只剩下一些空中楼阁,大雾也 给市民带来了麻烦。

伦敦London 是英国的首都,是世界上最大的现代化国际城市之一,英国的政治经济文化和交通中心,最大的海港和首要工业城市位于英格兰东南部,坐落在泰晤士河下游两岸伦敦的气候多雨雾,故有“雾都”之称伦敦市城外。



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