


keep animals的中文翻译 养动物 双语例句 1 All possible means have been tried to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered为了使动植物的生命不受到威胁,所有的方法都试过了2 In order to reduce diseases。



#147that rarest of musical animals, an instrumentalist who is as comfortable on a podium with a stick as he is playing his instrument#148Lon Tuck“那个优秀的擅长音乐的人,animals的中文翻译他在指挥台上挥动指挥棒和他。

In people#39s lives and work, in addition to working with people, the exposure is the most natural in animals Animals are friends of human beings in human society continues to move forward the process of。

1“动物”的英语animal,读音英#230n#618ml,美#230n#618ml2词汇搭配breed animals 饲养动物 feed animals 喂动物 catch an animal 抓住动物 domesticate animals 驯养动物animals英 #39#230n#618mlz 美 #39#230n#。

animals是英文中的复数形式,意思为动物1animals的发音animals的发音为 #712#230n#618m#601lza读作 #230,发音类似于音标中的 a,类似于汉语拼音的 ani读作 n#618,发音类似于音标。



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