

汉语昂首 英语raise one#39s headhead erecthead perkhead held high 例句1He held his breath, not daring to raise his head他屏住了气,不敢昂首例句2Stand with your arms by your side;丑小鸭抬起头,望向天空 Ugly Duckling There are beautiful swans flying in the sky抬起头英语!I want to fly like themOK!I will tryThe Ugly Duckling runs and runsHe spreads his wings 丑小鸭 美丽抬起头英语的天鹅在天上飞!我想。

头用英语表示为“head”读音为英 hed,美h#603dhead解析如下一单词读音英式发音hed美式发音h#603d二单词释义n 头部领袖最前部分主管标题 v 前往率领朝向成为;她抬起头,困惑地皱着眉翻译如下她抬起头困惑地皱着眉英语She raised her head and frowned in confusion英语属于印欧语系日耳曼语族西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的。

他抬起头困惑地皱着眉英文是He raised his head and frowned in confusion知识拓展学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗;一head 1读音英 hed 美 hed2翻译n 头部头脑顶端领袖硬币的正面 v 前进为首朝向 adj 首要的前面的 3例句Please raise your head and look at the blackboard请抬起头来,看。

篇一抬头用英语口语怎么说 1昂起头 raise one#39s head 2不受压制 rise look up gain ground 3为表示尊敬而另起一行 begin a new line, as a mark of respect, when mentioning the addressee。


1、读音英hed美hed单词head 意思1n 头部头脑顶端领袖硬币的正面 2v 前进为首朝向 3adj 首要的前面的 举例Please raise your head and look at the blackboard请抬起头来,看。

2、她抬起头,困惑地皱着眉用英语翻译可以是She raised her head,frowning with puzzlement1句子解析 这句话描述了一个女性抬起头来的动作,并且她的眉头皱起,表现出困惑或疑惑的表情2翻译方法 要准确地翻译这句话。

3、grow ~ 长大 hand ~ 拖起 put ~ 举起 send ~ 使上升 rise ~ 升起 look ~ 抬起头 zip ~ 拉上hold ~ 举起 pile ~ 堆起 dig ~ 挖出 take ~ 拿起 build ~ 树立 set ~ 建立2 完成,结束expressing completeness and。


4、我抬起头 英文I raised my head或者I looked upI raise my eyes and ah, I see those bright red, finely drawn lips我抬起头去,呀, 我看见那两个鲜红的, 嫩腻的,深深凹进的嘴角了I looked up and。

5、She stuck her head up and laughed她抬头大笑He looked up at me他抬头望着我Please raise your head and look at the blackboard请抬起头来,看黑板我抬头看看墙上的海报 译I looked up at the poster。


RingRing” the telephone suddenly rang Sam got up to 41 the call It was his aunt“Sam, 42 are you still at home?” she asked surprisinglySam looked at the clock It was already。

大步走英语是stride双语例句1 大步走,挺直腰,抬起头Walk with a purposeful stride, with your back straight and with your head held up high!2 他在大楼的过道里大步走著,寻找出口He strided the hall。

看看这个行不行,我可以在修改写,需要的话根我说下 We are together Playwright Yuko Sulin Actors Mark, Sulin, Ari, Yuko,Kate Narrator Mark is a pessimistic boy, he often gets flunked in the test。

5他又一次抬起头,朝旁听席望去He looked up into the gallery again学习英语的方法1报学习班如果是自制力不是很强的人可以在网上找到网校,新人注册还可以免费学习一些有关于英语的课程,如果自己学习兴趣高。

His head held high,这部分是Owen walked out of the store的伴随状语,是一个独立主格结构独立主格结构和句子之间可以使用逗号此结构前也可以加with,如果那样,就是介词短语,或者叫with的复合结构作伴随状语又如T。

标签: 抬起头英语



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