

I like summer best Are you flying kites in the park?Sandy didn#39t buy a bag for Tino 是不是3 weeks 划线 How long will you stay in Beijing?How did you go to the wonderland;1 在be动词或情态动词后加not如is not , are not , am not, was not, were not,can not, should not, will not2 上述都没有的,在动词原型前加助动词否定形式didn’tdoesn’t don’t 3;小学五年级英语句型转换知识点整理 01肯定句改否定句的方法 1 在be动词后加not如is not , are not , am not 2 在can,should, will等后加not如can not, should not,will not3 上述都没有。

1含有be动词的肯定句 把be动词提到句首,其它照搬,句号变问号,碰到第一二人称时,要互换例肯I am a teacher 否Are you a teacher?2含有情态动词的肯定句 把情态动词提到句首,其它照搬,句号变问号;1Here comes the school bus!改成同义句The school bus is usually go to school by bus对by bus提问How do you usually go to school?3They are playing the toys now对are playing the;应该填写Su Hai and Su Yang don#39t like collecting stamps Does David#39s sister like reading storty books?What is your grandfather#39s hobby?~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~;五年级英语上句型转换规则归纳 1含有be动词am, is, are的句子,改为否定句是在be动词后面加not,原来句子中的some改为any改为一般疑问句的时候,将be动词直接放到句子的最前面,原来句子中的some改为any,句号;1 I am not running in the playground2 Are you running in the playground?3 Yes, I am No, I am not4 Where are you running。

语语法练习句型转换1 She is quiet改为一般疑问句 ___2 He is very tall对划线部分提问 ___3 Is Mr Smith tall and strong?作肯定回答 ___4 Is Mr Carter tall?作否定回答___5 She;1That#39s my sweater一般疑问句Is that your sweater?2 This is Mary#39s scarf就括号部分提问Whose scarf is this?3This picture is mine否定句This picture isn#39t that your cake;1sing a song 2have a Chinese lesson 3We are having an English lesson nowWhat can they do?What can your mother make?How many classes in the morning。

You shouldn#39t draw picturesHe never sings or dances hereThis is my watchWhat do you often do here?Don#39t talkYou have to go to bed early;1 You can go thereCan I go there? He can swimCan he swim? You must do it nowMust I do it now? She can do it by herselfCan she do it by herself?2 He is a teacherIs he;1Do you have any friends?Yes,I doNo,I don#39tWhat do you have?你的括号画的不精确,下面的也是,我只能这样提问了先2Does he have a computer?Yes,he doesNo,he doesn#39tWhat does he have。


在期末就要来临的时候,对于五年英语的复习要怎样做练习呢?接下来,我就和大家分享一套2017年新广州版五年级上册英语Module 3期末复习试题,希望对大家有帮助! 2017年新广州版五年级上册英语Module 3期末复习试题 单词回顾 可能___。



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