

一次机会 的正确翻译需要看语境机会英语翻译,比如,如果你要说的是 “你有一个机会赢得第一奖”,正确的翻译是 You have an opportunity to win first prize或 You have a chance of winning first prize但要是你想说“你只有机会英语翻译;ZHAO LINwei2014真心为您解答~~托·富勒曾说过“一个明智的人总是抓住机会,把它变成美好的未来”没错,机会是易逝的,我们要牢牢的把握住,正如,莎士比亚说的“好花盛开,就该尽先摘,慎莫待美景难再,否则一。

你应该找一切机会练习中文,每天有计划地学习英语是You should practice Chinese by any chance and have the plan to study everyday句子解释practice 英#712pr#230kt#618s 美#712pr#230;为大家整理的英语作文带翻译抓住机遇 Seize the Opportunity,希望大家喜欢I will graduate next year, now I start to worry about my future, I don’t know what kind of job I should work on, I see;会有更多的工作机会吗翻译成英语是Will there be more job opportunities机会英语翻译?更多例句如下Honest people are bosses#39 favorites, and they will get more job opportunities老板喜欢诚信的人,他们会得到更多的工作机会If;要非得用opportunity的话,一样用increase,opportunity用复数,比如increase employment opportunities增加就业机会 本回答由提问者推荐 举报 评论 2 1 SeesawSun 采纳率52% 擅长 烹饪方法 电影 青岛市 英语翻译。

“我希望你能再给我个机会,让我好好疼你”这句话翻译成英语怎么写 One more chance,I‘ll cherish you能给我一次机会吗 这句话英语怎么说 Can you give me a chance?相信我,再给我一次机会,我一定会给;你一周锻炼几次的英文翻译 How many times do you exercise every week?上大学是一个很好的机会用英语翻译 Going to college is a good chance It#39s a good chance to go to college 我也是一个音乐家的。

给我一次机会的英语翻译 give me another chance 为什么不给我一次机会 用英语翻译 Why don#39t you give me a chance? 22望考试能给我一次机会 用英语翻译,快点机会英语翻译! Hope the exam will give me a opptunity 用英语翻译“;Crisis is expressed as quotWei jiquot in Chinese quotWeiquot means dangerous, quotJiquot means opportunity quotWei jiquot is a sapiential word It means where is the dangerous ,there is an opportunity;1 you will get have more chances oppotunities常规用法 2 you deserve more chances你将获得更多的机会,含你应该有的意思3more chances waiting for you in the future 短语,不是句子。

机会用英语说法是#716#594p#601#712tju#720n#601ti,音译是哦普图你提,单词是opportunity一发音英#716#594p#601#712tju#720n#601ti美#716ɑ#720;问题一机会英语怎么说 机会 基本翻译 chanceopportunity occasion probability 问题二“抓住每一个机会”用英语怎么说 口语常用Take each chance问题三首先得到机会用英语怎么说 First of all get the chance to。




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