

汤姆有蓝色大眼睛的英语的大眼睛大眼睛的英语,Tom has big blue eyes注意的是眼睛必须要用复数大眼睛的英语,而且前面的两个形容词的顺序应该是按照英语的习惯,大放在蓝色的前面。


的英语翻译Dad is tall, big eyes, big nose and big mouth, blue coat, brown pants重点词汇释义 爸爸father dad papa daddy 个子height stature build 大眼睛big eyes EYE oxeyed 大鼻子Russian 嘴巴。

大眼睛的英文释义oxeye 大眼睛的英文例句她还告诉大眼睛的英语我,大眼睛的英语我有一双美丽的大眼睛She also told me I had beautiful eyes每天早上我和我的女儿都会沿着农场小路去到一个地方去等校车,一路上我们会睁大眼睛寻找奇迹We。

两只大眼睛的英文Two big eyes两只大眼睛的英文例句1She has two big eyes and a small nose, She is very kind她有两只大眼睛和小鼻子,她很和蔼2Sitting at the back ofthe room was a shy girl。

the photo shows a girl with unkempt hair,holding a pencil in one handHer bright and melancholy eyes staring directly forward,filled with the desire for knowledgelooking as if it is telling us of the。

My teacher has a pair of beautiful big eyes 望采纳,希望能帮到你。



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