

翻译成英语这两个女孩用英语怎么说, Those two girls are my cousins。


These two girls are my younger sisterssister可以指姐姐,也可以指妹妹elder sister指姐姐,younger sister指妹妹。

The two girls look like, it is difficult to tell them apartor The two girls resemble to each other, it is difficult to tell them apart。


这两个女孩是我的妹妹的英语表达为quotThese two girls are my sistersquot例句1 quotThese two girls in the photo are my sisters The one on the left is my younger sister, and the one on the right is my。

The two injured girls do not need othersquotcomfort 第一个much不需要,没有多的意思 第二个 一般是 do not need 第三个强调指人who 原句没这意思。

你的翻译也不错,就是要把后面she is the more beautiful 中的the 去掉就对这两个女孩用英语怎么说了,因为形容词的比较级前面不需要加the。

Are the two girls sisters?你可以先假设词句为陈述句,就可以翻译为“The two girls are sisters然后be动词提前,就是一般疑问句了,即Are the two girls sisters。



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