

I#39m a man上进心英语, diligent, earnest, careful, ambitious and cooperative;4 工作认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,有上进心,不轻易服输To be conscientious and responsible with work and bear the spirit of hardship and hard work and have the progressive spirit and not giving up anything。

4Havingawiderangeofhobbies,includingoralEnglish,music,moviesandliterature兴趣广泛,喜爱英语口语音乐影视以及文学创作英语口语流利,具有良好的英语阅读写作能力普通话标准6GoodcommandofComputerskillsfamiliarwith;有上进心,团队合作意识强,为人正直,做事认真英语HeShe is a selfmotivated and honest person with strong spirit for teamwork, and works conscientiously in hisher job供参考。

女生介绍自己性格特点英语1 具有上进心 1Ambitious attitude essential1有雄心壮志2Bright,aggressive applicants2反应快有进取心的#39应聘者3Mature,selfmotivated and strong interpersonal skills3;问题十积极上进用英语怎么说 原创什么,语言这种东西本来就是靠学习学来的,单词又不是上进心英语你创的看到都觉得眼瞎ambitious是野心勃勃的意思 positive是积极的,乐观的,有上进心的意思 enthusiastic是热心的,有 *** 。


It#39s very +形容词 副词修饰动词,形容词和副词,有时也可修饰数词,介词短语,连词,名词或全句really是个方式副词,一般放在be动词之后,行为动词之前Examples1 Did she really say so?她真的那样说吗2 It#39s。

I am a very selfmotivated person, any things don#39t do it, doing is doing well Into the group, in addition to its long service for students, also can draw, draw lessons from and learn from other。


上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康性格开朗The ability to initiate and operate independently有创业能力,并能独立地从业Mature,dynamic and honest思想成熟精明能干为人诚实Excellent ability of systematical。

推荐信 Letter of Recommendation 上进心英语他有较强的责任心,为人忠厚,有上进心,He has a strong sense of responsibility, honesty and achievements我推荐他到你们的公司学习工作,我相信他一定能胜任,请贵公司给予帮忙安排 I。

上进心和拼搏有什么区别 上进心好比是爬楼梯 拼搏则好比是在练功夫练好功夫再去顺利爬楼梯上进心与欲望有什么区别 欲望是无休无止的,永远也不会有尽头上进心则看你的毅力,能不能坚持当然某种程度上。

I would like to do a good job and improve their own quality, always selfmotivated in their work。

One of my roommates, Francis, is an aspiring actor我的室友当中, 法兰西斯是非常有上进心的演员Responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive责任把这个惯坏的花花公子转变为一名有上进心的。



2、SheHe has character with calm and sincere in personality, while responsibility and adapty in work SheHe has strong common of discpline, cooperation and motivation and diligent learning in order to inhance。

3、1 quot What type of job do you like? ? What kind of career do you prefer? quot2quot What kind of work does he suit? What kind of job is suitable for him? quot3 quot What kind of work are you good。

4、I am easygoing,approachable,enterprising and with teamwork spirit。

标签: 上进心英语



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