

1、严禁大声喧哗的英文No noise noise 读法 英 n#596#618z 美 n#596#618z1作名词的意思是噪音杂音嘈杂声,喧闹声声音,声响 2作及物动词的意思是谣传哄传传说 3作不及物动词。


2、Quiet please,希望我的答案对禁止大声喧哗的英语你有帮助。

3、Don#39t speak in a loud voice禁止大声喧哗的英语! Don#39t make noise。

4、Keep silent,no runing,no shouting。

5、我们不应该大声喧哗翻译为英语1 We shouldn#39t be loud2 We should not speak loudly3 We should not clamor loudly4 We should not make a loud noise注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。

6、不要在公共场合大声喧哗,用英语怎么说 #xE768 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 为什么孔子像会雕刻在美最高法院的门楣之上?清脆又通窍丶板栗2561 20150916 · TA获得超过163个赞 知道答主 回答量104 采纳率100% 帮助的人282万。

7、你好翻译应该是We ought not to shout aloud in classroom,we must keep quiet 我们不能不应在教室大声喧哗,我们必须保持安静望采纳,感谢你。

8、Performance in progress, please keep quiet and stay in your seat。

9、No smoking in this lift电梯内禁止吸烟No shouting in the library禁止在图书馆大声喧哗Do not use this lift as a means of escape in the event of fire遇火警时,严禁使用此电梯Please do not lean on。

10、这里不是很清楚是作为参演者参与演出,还是作为观众参与演出暂时默认后者,就从我的经验大概写几个Rules for participation in performancesProhibition of video recording禁止录像No loud noises禁止大声喧哗No。

11、We will meet at the gate in front of our school at 8 AM, then we will walk to the zooPlease hand in a report for the visit by the coming MondayListen carefully during the visit and take notes of。

12、自觉排队,不大声喧哗,友好礼貌 Consciously queue up, not loud noise, friendly and polite 自觉排队,不大声喧哗,友好礼貌 Consciously queue up, not loud noise, friendly and polite。

13、语言点 ‘No Parking’ area 禁停区‘No smoking’ area 禁烟区‘No Shouting’ area 禁止大声喧哗区‘No Flying’ area 禁飞区 7You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs 如果您对我们。

14、quot The public not to loud, not to litter, not spitting, not in public place smoking quot English how to write。

15、Notice to Tourists Dear tourists,To enjoy your trip, please read the following carefully1 The Scenic Area takes ticketing admission system, which is one ticket for one person cannot be reused2 Civilized。



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