

1、He only said a word I want to donate blood, I have to guarantee the health of my blood;blood donation献血车上就这么写的Como on! Guys! 英语国家的人常用guy这个词的;文中的ldquoblood donationrdquo就是献血的意思 无偿献血的英文表达是voluntary blood donationvoluntary是志愿的,自愿的意思,而志愿者的英文就是volunteeracademic performance就是学业成绩的意思academic有学院的;People’s opinion about donating vary from person to person Some people think it is a very good thing They hold this opinion because it could save somebody’s lifeHowever,others don’t insist on donating;Monthly organization school blood donation activity, myself also participated in the blood donation。

2、1, I love China, I donated blood 2人间自有真情在,献出鲜血播下爱 2, its own true feelings in the world, have given their blood sow love 3献血无损健康,救人功德无量 3, blood donation not;3 blood donation 献血 4 blood type 血型 5 blood vessels 血管 6 blood test 血液检查 五双语例句1 The wound was bleeding, and blood stained his clothes伤口在流血,血染红了献血英语他的衣服2 Blood;In my view Blood donation is a good thing, one can promote the blood circulation, Accelerating the metabolism of the body! second, to contribute to the people of the country to learn! three When what the;一些年轻人正在无偿献血,奉献自己的爱心 Some young people are donating blood for free to express their compassion。

3、英语资源网权威发布关于无偿献血的英语作文Donating Blood,更多关于无偿献血的英语作文Donating Blood相关信息请访问英语资源网 Peoplequots opinion about donating vary from person to person Some people think it is a;问题二血液的英文怎么拼来着 血液 词典 blood献血英语?sanguis例句血液在全身循环The blood circulates through the献血英语?body问题三血的英文怎么读 血的英文blood 问题四“义务献血”英语怎么说 义务献血;Although I have some symptoms after blood donation such as feeling sleepy, always being hungry and so on, I#39m so proud of my having donated blood。

4、blood donor 英汉 现代英汉综合大辞典 赠送人, 捐款人英汉 现代英汉词典 献血者,供血者英汉 英汉航海大词典 n供血者英汉 英汉农牧林大词典 n供血者英汉 英汉医学大词典 n给血者;If I was him,I would also give blood,I am not doing it for the money,I am doing it for the society上海灵格风英语;可以译为Donating blood without payment 例volunteer to give Blood自愿献血 中华人民共和国献血法 Blood Donation Law of the People’s Republic of China 相关资料请看asp。


标签: 献血英语



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