

The teachers in my school are very kind The students are very polite and smart I am happy in my school介绍学校的英语作文二 Hello! I#39m Lily I study in Hongda School It is in Zhejiang It is;I study in Hangzhou No2 Middle school My school garden is big and beautiful介绍学校英文, there are green trees and fresh flowers everywhereThey are 24 grades and many teachers in my school介绍学校英文, 25 boys and 20 girls。

My school is Yi County Primary School I am a pupil in Class 1 Grade 6 There are a big playground, a library, and a gymnasium in my school The teachers are all kind The pupils all study hard。


1、介绍学校英语双语范文如下Welcome to our school!Our school is the key middle school in this city Now we are in the front gate Entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on。

2、写作思路根据题目要求,多方面介绍学校My school is very beautiful It#39s in Guicheng, near Qiandeng lake我的学校很漂亮它在贵城,靠近千灯湖You know what介绍学校英文? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School I。

3、介绍学校的英语作文一My School I am in NO2 Middle School I love my school There are more than 1,500 students in our school We have math, English, Chinese, music, art ,PE and so on Our。

4、My school is beautful我的学校是美丽的In my school, there are many pretty girls在我的学校,那里有很多漂亮的女孩 My school is a place I will remember forever我的学校是一个地方我会永远记得My school。


1、Hello,I#39m Lisa,my school is beautifulNow let me tell you about it你好,我是丽萨,我的学校是漂亮的,现在让我告诉你关于它There are many flowers in our school,they make our school be more beautifui。


2、接下来,我结合自身积累的英语知识,和大家分享三篇介绍学校的英语作文,由简到难,字数由少到多,都在80词以上,希望大家喜欢哦~一###案例来咯 英语作文This is my school, it is so。

3、写作思路介绍学校的设施和在学校中做的活动,最后抒发自己对学校的喜爱之情正文如下I study in a beautiful school There are many trees and flowers in campus It’s green all the year round There are。

4、Hello,I#39m Lisa,my school is beautifulNow let me tell you about it你好,我是丽萨,我的学校是漂亮的,现在让我告诉你关于它 There are many flowers in our school,they make our school be more beautifui。

5、I love my school 介绍学校的英语作文 篇7 First here is our favorite place our beautiful garden many trees and many flowers in it Then you can go into it Now, you know why we love it right we can write red。

6、9 介绍学校的英文作文 带翻译 I get to school at half past six everydayFirst is self study, i usually spend half an hour preparing my lessonsFollowed by Morning ReadingIt is often Chinese and EnglishAt about。

7、介绍学校英语双语范文如下I study in a beautiful school There are many trees and flowers in campus It’s green all theyear round There are three buildings in my school Two of them are teaching。

8、介绍我的学校英语作文只需要根据自身的学校环境来描述,以及班级的事情,分享一篇“介绍我的学校”万能的模板My school dayMy school day is vey busy There are 6 classes in a day,4 in the morning and 2 in。



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