

Reputation of undergrad school is important for grad school admission本科学校的声望对于研究生院的录取来说很重要dropout是什么意思n 辍学者,退学者adj 辍学的,退学的They are highschool dropouts他们是一群;every day but sunday我们除了星期日每天都上学3leave school 英 liv skul 美 liv skulv退学,离校,放学回家To your teacher when you are leave school当你离开学校时,对你的老师说。

中文 亲爱的老师 对不起,由于我差不多每天工作都要加班,所以经常未把工事做完就要去上学,最终影响了在工作上的表现,我不想放弃这份工作,经过我考虑一番后,决定退学,我希望校方能谅解我,并且退还款项,令我能专注;休学英文退学英文辍学英文 总整理 drop out 休学退学辍学 drop out 意思一休学退学辍学 drop out 是一个英文片语,最常见的中文意思就是指休学剑桥字典对 drop out 的解释是If a stud。

一leave school 读音 英liv skul 美liv skulv 退学,离校,放学回家例句1一年级学生获准在中午放学英文翻译The first grade was allowed to leave school at moon2我得通过期末考试;1drop out 退学辍学 drop out的意思是指If a student drops out, they stop going to classes before they have finished their course,也就是从学校中断学习,退学跟辍学的意思要注意的是,drop out 也可。

drop out 动词退出,退学,结束游戏作名词时意思是中途退学,辍学,辍学学生,失学儿童drop off 动词减少让下车睡着 作名词时意思是下客区,低潮期,懈怠等。


for的区别 楼上两位说的有点复杂了 很简答, leave是离开的意思,leave for就是go to去哪里的意思,其实leave for完全的话应该是leave here for所以很容易区分,leave school离开学校 leave for shcool去学校。

beloved teacherI was poor, basic english is great pressure, the class could not understand the exam, did not meet the demands of the division in thailand to learn me, i can#39t keep up with others, i。

下课了,下课Class over 英 klɑ#720s #712#601#650v#601r 美 kl#230s #712o#650v#601r例句The class over, we all went out to play课程结束了,我们都出去玩了。


退学申请书 尊敬的校领导老师 你们好 本人因为个人原因而无法做到心安理得的继续学业,我退学的决定是经过深思熟虑的,一方面我感觉自己已经掌握了基本的专业知识,应对社会的需求已经不是很困难的问题,另一方面通过。

bill gates is one of the richest people in the worldhe is famous for his software for personal computersbill was born on october 28,1955,in seattle in the usahis father,william gates,was a lawyer,whi。


Dear teacher,Thanks for your guidance during these two years,I want to discontinue my schooling as you were not the teacher in charge of our class,but now I clear up my mind,whether you were the teacher。

生手, 没有经验的人 feedback 反馈,回馈 dropout 退学学生, 中途退学, 辍学学生 peacekeeping 维护和平的执行或监督停火协定的 drowfall 应该是downfall衰败, 垮台, 大雨, 落下吧?不认识Tombo这个词。

他由于身体原因,现在申请退学 英语翻译Because of his physical reasons, he is now applying for a drop out of school。

标签: 退学英文



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