

嗯,这个句子我们翻译课上练过我的译文是Wherever you will be , my heart would always be with you 这种表达情感的句子,关键是要重注意思的传达,并不一定要字字对应“我会陪你我直走下去”,是想表达“我;短语搭配walk home by moonlight借着月光走回家近义词go back home on footWalk固定搭配walk alone独行walk in走进去,供人走进walk out走出罢工退席把某人领出walk on走下去继续行走walk。


I love you, I want to participate in your futurelife, humble to participate, as long as you allowme to always accompany you go on;quotLife is like chess, move later regret, choose a good way to engage in, wish you good dream come true 希望我的答案能帮到你。

就这样一直走下去吧,英文是Just go like this句子解释just 英d#658#652st 美d#658#652stadv 正好 刚才 仅仅,只是 刚要adj 公正的,合理的 恰当的 合法的 正确的;走下去 Hold on 还是走下去 I believe in the lost possibilities you can#39t see 我相信,在错过的种种可能之中,藏着你无法预见的美满未来 And I believe that the darkness 不过我也相信,存在影子的地方 Reminds us。

我知道医学之路走起来并不轻松,但我一定会坚定的走下去I know the path towards medicine will not be easy, but I will persevere until the end手工翻译,保证语法正确,说法地道敬请采纳~;自己选择的路,跪着也要走下去的英文No matter what you choose,you should spare no efforts to do it 句式no matter与疑问词who, what, where, when, how, if, whether等连用,意为“无论,不管”,引导的。


1、Walk over 弃权 走过场的比赛 虐待 走过 walk in 走进去,供人走进 walk out 走出罢工退席把某人领出 walk on 走下去继续行走 walk along 散步向前走沿着hellip走 walk away 走开离去 walk。

2、turn lfet,then go along the street。

3、I will accompany you to go through all difficulties No matter how tired it is, we will go through together请参看。

4、1如果说是沿着某条街走 go along this street=go down this street都可以,只要go后面有介词可是down在方向上似乎在说明这条街是下坡路,所以一般用along比较好 2 turn right是向右转 turn to the right是转到。

5、if possible, i want to hold your hands forever。

6、Starting from the early autumn of that year,and ending at the middle of this summer,we all began at the same originBut we find some are missing when we reached to the final line。

7、经典版Together,forever 强调版NO matter what happens we are together !提问版 Can you stay with me for the whole life?哈哈,自己选吧 要是你要简单简短版的,那就是Together,forever 加油祝你。

8、直译就是 Go down this road但是如果上下文有语境,则不能直译例如下句沿这条路走下去翻译为if this continues然而,如果继续沿这条路走下去,该地区的前景将一片黯淡,面临不均衡的出口主导型增长粮食和水资源短缺。


Will you stay or leave?quot你会等待还是离开,我能遇见你是最美的意外,我要和你走下去quotMeeting you is the most beautiful accident to me and I want to be with youWill you staywait for me or leave?1帮。

标签: 走下去英文



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