

Some people think that making a living is a waste of time because they can enjoy life to the fullest谋生英语, or discover their true talents有些人认为谋生是在浪费时间谋生英语,因为他们可以尽情地享受生活,或者发现他们自己。

155 earn one’s living 谋生156 eat up 吃完,吃光157 in the end 最后,终于158 end up 结束,告终159 enjoy oneself 过得愉快160 even if 尽管,即使161 even though 尽管,即使162 in the evening 在晚上163。


谋生的英文Make a living短语搭配make a living seek a livelihood earngaingetobtain a living出外谋生leave home and seek a living elsewhere靠唱歌谋生earn one’s living by singing make a living。


学英语一定要努力,要持之以恒 1多听 多看 多说 多练 2平时多积累一些词汇 这样用的时候就不会感觉无从下手3有条件的话可以多跟老师和同学进行交流,多研究 4最好是看一些资料和光碟属于日常口语方面的 。

living condition 生活条件make a living 谋生 针对个人的 If everyone pay attention to the problem and make a contribution to, situation will be better如果每个人都能关注这个问题并且贡献自己的力量,这个情况将。

你好!参考如下1 More often than not, people work to make a live, but not for the sake of their hobbies2 According to the feedback from the interviewers, many interviewees failed to tell what they。

make a living可以加介绍atfromby1at,依靠I can#39t make a living at painting我不能靠画画谋生2from,凭借Maybe this time, I will be able to make a living from my talent或许这一次。

标签: 谋生英语



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