

The earthquake fire and other natural calamities and manmade misfortunes are hard to predict演习英语, we cannot predict what the disaster coming演习英语, but we will be ready,with the fastest response against evil, the演习英语;我们必须捂住口鼻We must cover our mouths and noses出现火灾时,不要用电梯,而要用楼道When a fire breaks out,don#39t use the elevators,use the staircases instead当房间里浓雾弥漫时,往外逃生时要尽量将身体放。

很多种翻译方式1,Tomorrow afternoon,there will be a fire drill at 2 o#39clock或者200 pm2,A fire drill will be held at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon3,强调句It is a fire drill that will be held;exercise读音英 #39eks#601sa#618z,美 #39eks#601rsa#618zn 运动练习作业 vt 运用 vi 锻炼 形容词 exercisable 过去式 exercised 过去分词 exercised 现在分词 exercising 第三人称单数。

考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理演习英语的地震英语作文学校举行地震演练500字,供大家参考!中国四川省雅安发生了地震,地震是非常危险的,面对地震我们应学会如何自救,为了让大家在地震中可以保护好自己,我们学校举行了一场消防演练;从这次地震演习中,我深刻的体会到四川大地震的灾区同胞们,是多么得勇敢,多么的痛苦,又是多么的伟大From this earthquake drill, I deeply appreciate the Sichuan earthquake disaster areas compatriots, how brave, how。

drill 演习drive 长驱直人duel 决战斗emplace 使炮兵进入阵地encirclement 包围圈encircle 包围engagement 交战,打仗engage 与交战enlist 征募,使服兵役entrench 进入壕沟eviction 驱逐evictor 驱逐者evict 驱逐exchange 交火extricate;英演习英语?fai? dril 美fa?r dr?l 词典释义 fire drill 问题五请问消防演习英语怎么说啊 消防演习 fire drill ph1 揣防训练 2 火灾避难训练消防演习 问题六我们可以进行急救演练用英语怎么说 你好我们可。


1、exercise 英 #712eks#601sa#618z 美 #712eks#601rsa#618zn身体或脑力的活动,锻炼,运动保持健康或培养技能的一套动作,训练活动习题练习 v行使使用运用锻炼训练操练锻。

2、学校将在本周星期一下午400进行一次消防演习 There will be a fire drill at four o#39clock on this Monday afternoon全校师生员工约4000名There are about 4000 teachers, students, staff members and workers in。

3、想必很多人都知道什么是户外运动吧,就算没了解过,但凭字面意思应该也能猜到,但你知道英语怎么说吗?下面就跟着我一起来看看吧户外运动的英文应该怎么说 户外运动的英文outdoor exercises freshair sports 参考例句She。


5、今天FIONA带我们去了她朋友家的农场,农场非常大,感觉上有点像宽阔的蒙古草原Today FIONA took us to her friend#39s farm, farm is so big, a bit like the broad grasslands of Mongolia feel农场主教我们怎样挤。


School fire drill就是消防演习的意思望采纳,谢谢。


we covered the head and run out one after another , everyone walked on the right and go down the stairs quickly to find some safe placeFinally we all got to relatively safe places译文一次地震逃生演习。

Dear Tom,I#39m writing to tell you that an earthquake drill was held in our school yesterdayAfter we had tow classes,our teachergave us some instruction on what to do during the drillwhen the alarm rang。

标签: 演习英语



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