

1、天行健厚德载物英语,君子以自强不息地势坤,君子以厚德载物The sky is constantly moving, and a gentleman should never cease to strive for selfimprovement The earth is steady and receptive, and a gentleman should;The greatest benevolence is like water, the highest virtue tolerates all;意思是自觉地努力向上,永不松懈,道德高尚者能承担重大任务这两句是清华大学厚德载物英语的校训引用西周姬昌所作周易中的两句话“天行健,君子以自强不息地势坤,君子以厚德载物 ”译文天即自然的运动刚强劲健;这是清华大学校训的正式译文,虽字面上与中文不大一样,但估计已经使用多年,没校方同意,不容随意改动The motto for Tsinghua University is “SelfDiscipline and Social Commitment”或Tsinghua University‘s motto;Strengthen self without stopping, and hold world with virtue自强不息,厚德载物“自强不息,厚德载物”完整的意思英语表达法~Development of self in accordance with the celestial principle of consistencyCult;The movement of heaven is full of powerThus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring不知道为什么,后两句打上去就说我内容长度超标,后一句发不上来,联系我吧Q225;Social Commitment , honest upmost。


2、Continuous selfimprovement and moral support清华大学秉持“自强不息厚德载物”的校训和“行胜于言”的校风,坚持“中西融汇古今贯通文理渗透”的办学风格和“又红又专全面发展”的培养特色,弘扬“爱国奉献;Great virtue can carrycarries all things, good and evil厚德可以载物呃,觉得前一句比较符合原文意思~~~。

3、As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along另外还有周易的英译本里,和李长全教授 的 译文请参考html;As the heaven revolves, the gentleman should constantly strive to become terrainkun, the gentleman should tenet;上善若水The highest good is like water地势坤,君子以厚德载物The earth#39s condition is receptive devotionThus the superior man who has breadth of character Carries the outer world英文解释The earth in its。

4、Democracy 民主 scientific 科学 Selfimprovement 自强不息 generous 厚德载物 Realistic and innovative 求实创新 Learning is the norm 学为人师 behavior 行为世范 呵呵,我问英语老师的;问题一英文“ 厚德载物 ”怎么说 journey was fast and enjoyableWe were met at New town Station and driven to Baskerville HallThe countrysidedrove thro 问题二厚德载物用英文怎么写 Great virtue can ca。



