

2 用英语介绍教室我的教室 英语作文 My classroom is big and cleanThere are entyfive desks and entyfive chairsThere is a blackboard on the wallIn front of the blackboard用英语介绍教室,there is teacher#39s deskThere are。

This is my classroom It is very big There are fortysix desks and chairs in it They are for the students There is a big desk in the front of the classroom, its for our teachers There is a c。

我的教室英语作文This is my classroom It is very big There are fortysix desks and chairs in itThey are for the students There is a big desk in the front of the classroom, it#39s for our teache。


介绍教室的英语短文篇1 My classroom is big and cleanThere are twentyfive desks and twentyfive chairsThere is a blackboard on the wallIn front of the blackboard,there is teacher#39s deskThere are。

6 介绍我的教室的英语作文 My classroom At present,I am studying in the No7 primary school in class four grade fiveMy classroom is on the third floor close to the road and it#39s very beautifulThe classroom has。


doors,seven lights,a computerLook,some students are doing homework,some students are talking each other,some students are playingAnd our teacher is next to her deskI like my classroom中文这是我的教室。

bright classroomIt has a front door and a back door The windows are clean In the front of the classroom ,there is a teacher#x27s desk, and on it there are some chalks The walls of the。

9 英语作文介绍我的教室 My Classroom My classroom is nice and big There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom There are o black boards on the walls And there are o pictures, too My。

介绍教室的英语作文 As is known to all every student has their own classroomThe classroom give us some wonderful thingsNow I will introduce my classroom to youWhen you enter the front gate ,the first。

There are two doors and eight windows in the wall,too There are sixty-five desks and chairs in the classroom I like my classroom 墙上也有两扇门和八扇窗户教室里有六十五张桌椅我喜欢我的教室。


写作思路 介绍教室的作文,需要重点描述教室内的陈设和物品开头可以点题告诉大家你要介绍的对象是教室,中间重点介绍你的教室的物品,摆放,方位,作用等方面的内容,结尾表达对教室的喜欢或者其用英语介绍教室他感情双语范文参考 Hello, my。

关于学习的英语作文 Study has been the important part of our life Some people believe that when they go to work, they don#39t need to study anymore It is the wrong conception about study We are not。

写作思路可以向美国朋友介绍一下自己的校园,首先表达一下对外国朋友的欢迎,接着用最真挚的语言介绍自己的校园特点等等正文Welcome to Li Hua Let me introduce our school to you欢迎你美国朋友,我来向你介绍一。



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