

闻花香 smell the fragrance of flowers I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers我想出去走一走,闻一闻花香。

我能闻到花香的英语I can smell the fragrance of flowers花香是天然的鲜花所散发的有香气的物质花的香气来自薄壁组织中的许多油细胞,油细胞能分泌出有香气的芳香油,芳香油很容易扩散到空气里,当这些芳香油在空气中。

Smell the fragrance of flowers英语英语English是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称。

闻起来好香的英文It smells good smell 读法 英 smel 美 sm#603l1n 气味,嗅觉臭味 2v 嗅,闻有气味察觉到发出的气味 短语1smell of 有的气味闻出的味道 2。

鸟语花香”用英文怎么说 The chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers。

I can smell the flowersone plate of nice smelled foodi found that sometning must be scorchedIs there anything scorched?不知道对不对,希望能帮到你。

只要心中有景,何处不是花香满径As long as there is a scene in the heart, where is not full of flowers 重点词汇释义 只要provided so long as as long as if only so as 心中in the heart at。

没有花香,没有树高 英文翻译_No flowers, no trees。

每天早上一来到班里,一股花香扑鼻而来 Every morning to the class, a fragrance Pubi。

Spring is a beautiful season, warm and comfortable, people work from now on 春天是一个美丽的季节,春暖花香,人们从现在开始劳作。

有花香的茶 英语翻译scented tea 英 sent#618d ti 美 s#603nt#618d ti香茶花茶,有花香的茶薰花茶 例句The scented tea is made by adding fragrant flowers to highquality green tea。


singing birds and fragrant flowers 没有鸟语花香 1without brightness of flowers and birdsongs at eye 鸟语花香修改 1piano songbirds 春天愉快,鸟语花香 1spring is gay with flowers and song 人生并非处处鸟语花香。

“暗恋花香”用英语 Secretly love the fragrance of flowers。



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