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Shanxi is a province in the northern part of the People#39s Republic of China Its onecharacter abbreviation is Jin, after the state of Jin that existed here during the Spring and Autumn PeriodShanxi#39s。

Peaceful 岭 general situation of big 兴 The boundary and Inner Mongolia autonomous region that peaceful 岭 region of big 兴 locate the motherland is most and northern part the side 陲 , east is with the。

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1 General situation of shanxi 1 P Shanxi Shanxi is located in the west of taihang mountain because of its name The total area of 156 square kilometers, the province#39s permanent population of 35712。

China ranges from mostly plateaus and mountains in the west to lower lands in the east Principal rivers flow from west to east, including the Yangtze central, the Huang He Yellow river, northcentral。

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