

翻译提示温馨家园英语家园的翻译分两种感觉的翻译,一是指自己的小家园,家庭的感觉,可以用cosy house 二是指虚拟的心目中理想的家园,是一种意境的家园,实际不存在的,例如1温馨家园小屋cosy little house 2你并不是真正;人们砍了很多树,因此,大象渐渐失去了他们的家园People cut down many trees, so elephants gradually lost their homes;home 是直译,未尝不可但是英语中有一个相对应的专业词语 green homestead,可能这个会更好不知道你是要这个词做什么用途,还有一个给你做参考the green and harmonious homestead和谐之绿色家园希望能帮到你。


以我最爱的美丽家园为题的英语作文 I have two kinds of dream homesOne is quiet,and the other is on a busy streetI want a quiet home because I want to have a rest thereThe house is on the grass;共绿色家园 我一片小小的绿叶我不像香味四奇花异草一样诱人也不像碧波荡漾的湖水那样优雅更不像色彩绚丽的彩虹一样漂亮但是,我却无私的将自己贡献给了人类我将自己唯一的装饰品叶绿素,与太阳结合制造;失去它们的家园 英文翻译lost their home 例句Many trees were cut down several years ago and the animals lost their home几年前,许多树木被砍伐了,动物们失去了它们的家园重点词汇释义它们的their 家园;My dream home Someone said that Ideal life is the ideal of the life I think my dream home is not very large, but it must be very beautiful There are at least two gardens One is at front and the。

地球是我们的家园英语The earth is our home,everyone should love itearth英 #604#720θ 美 #604#720rθn世界地球陆地地面大地土泥泥土兽穴接地线 vt把电线接地 双语;一 哪里有免费的新概念英语视频教程 新概念英语 新概念英语视频第一册 so138soso138aspx英语家园?id=149 新概念英语视频第二册 so138soso138aspx?id=150 新概念英语视频第三册 so138soso138aspx?id=151;大二的水平 够了吧```my family I have a happy family My mother is a hardworking women , often she is cleaning the house My father is a busy busnessman, he must work all day I have a。

我们每个人都有家,也都爱自己的家可是你是否知道,我们还有一个共同的家园,那就是我们的地球地球是一个很美丽的家园她像是一颗蔚蓝色的珍珠在茫茫的宇宙中缓缓地转动,她有蓝蓝的天空绿色的草原金色的海滩有;I live in lovely familyThere are three people in my family,my parents and IMy father is a policemanHe works in the police station of my cityHe is always busy with his work and he has business;EARTH HOME 信我就看这里英语家园!注1楼的意思是地球是我家园,2楼意思是家庭地球,请问那是什么。

My dream home is very big and niceI have a house and it has at least three floorsOn the first floor,there is a big dining room and we can have dinner togetherThere is also a nice kitchen and a;My Dream Home My dream home is very big and niceI have a house and it has at least three floorsOn the first floor,there is a big dining room and we can have dinner togetherThere is also a nice;The earth is the only home for human beings, besides the earth, has yet to find other suitable for human survival of the planet The earth is our only home of human survival We have only one earth。

Protecting our honme保护环境 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by。

标签: 英语家园



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