

1、interest 常见释义 词典 interest hobby例句1要鼓励孩子的兴趣爱好兴趣爱好的英文,即使你对它们所知甚少Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even if they#39re things that you know little about 2兴趣爱。


2、1hobby 英文发音#39h#594b#618中文释义n 嗜好兴趣爱好 例句My hobbies are letter writing, music, photography, and tennis兴趣爱好的英文我的业余爱好是写信音乐摄影和网球2interest 英文发音#39#618。

3、词典 hobbies and interests例句要鼓励孩子的兴趣爱好,即使你对它们所知甚少Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even if they#39re things that you know little about 戴维斯在事业突飞猛进的同时。



6、I have a series of interests, such as reading, listening to music, playing Pingpong, and so on3我的兴趣爱好 我有许多兴趣爱好,最喜欢打网球My interest love I have many interest to love and like to。

7、兴趣的英文是什么 英 #712h#594bi 美 #712hɑbihobby n 业余爱好 嗜好,兴趣 小马hobby的英语例句 Whatrsquos your hobby?你的爱好是什么?This hobby educates one not only in the。

8、play the guitar,play the piano,play soccer,play hideandseek,see a film,watch TV,listen to the radio,have a trip,fly a kite,study,swim,cooksleep 弹吉他,弹钢琴,踢足球,捉迷藏,看电影,看电视,听广播,去。

9、表达兴趣爱好的英文句型 1 I’ve always liked listening to inspiring speeches我一直喜欢听鼓舞人心的演讲2 I really go for authentic English tapes我很喜欢纯正地道的英语录音带3 I’m really fond of。

10、爱好的英文单词有hobby与interest具体释义如下一hobby英 #712h#594bi 美 #712hɑbin业余爱好嗜好,兴趣小马 hobby的基本意思是“嗜好,业余爱好”,指人们在工作时间以外所从事的自己喜好的事情。

11、1Knowledge must be according to their own interests, can benefit学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方可得益2Life is just a field of improvisation, until every journey, be my stage人生本来就是一场即兴演出,直到。

12、My Hobby我的爱好 I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV But reading is my favorite hobby我有许多爱好,譬如读书滑冰看电视,读书是我最喜欢的I like reading for three reasons。

13、我的爱好范文一I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping I also like playing pingpong very much I have a friend His name is JooZone He is crazy about。


15、当然在正职以外,他喜欢这个,好一口这个,当然也可以拿这个去挣点副业,但前提是他确实喜欢喜好这个比如an *** performance 业余演员自己组织的游艺会 an *** dramatic club 业余剧社问题二业余爱好的英文怎么。

16、Reading has become part of my lifeEvery day,I spend some time reading books,newspapcrs and magazinesAt night,I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand我的爱好 我有许多爱好,譬如读书滑冰。

17、我都爱他们I like singing ,especially singing English songs ,just like ,etc ,but My English is not such good , and I want to learn it better 我喜欢唱歌,尤其唱英文歌,比如月亮河,大海等等。

18、感兴趣英语是be interested in 重点词汇be 一读音英 bi美 bi二意思是v 有在是到达拜访 三词汇搭配be at 从事于,做be for 到?去,赞成 be in for 可能遭到,难免be from 来自。



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