

Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America加拿大英语介绍, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean It is the world#39s second;much加拿大是加拿大英语介绍我很喜欢加拿大英语介绍的国家加拿大英语介绍我喜欢尼亚加拉瀑布,它很美丽我想有一天和爸爸妈妈一起去那玩加拿大加拿大英语介绍的国旗是枫叶旗,看起来很漂亮大部分加拿大人说英语或者法语加拿大的官方体育运动是冰上曲棍球我很喜欢这个国家;Canada IPA #712kaelign#601d#601 is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into;one province of Canada is Frenchspeaking The TV and radio programmes there are in French There are French restaurants, and all the teaching in schools is done in FrenchCanada has one third of the world;and northward into the Arctic Ocean Spanning over 99 million square kilometres, Canada is the world#39s secondlargest country by total area, and its common border with the United States is the longest land。


Canada is a highly developed capitalist country2中文翻译 加拿大,位于北美洲最北端,英联邦国家之一,素有“枫叶之国”的美誉首都是渥太华,著名城市有多伦多温哥华等加拿大西抵太平洋,东迄大西洋,北至北冰洋;加拿大英语法语Canada,位于北美洲最北端,英联邦国家之一,素有“枫叶之国”的美誉,首都是渥太华The Canadian political system is federalism and parliamentary monarchy Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom。

温哥华是华人聚居的地方,除英语外,最多人说的是中文和旁遮普语每七个温哥华人中就有一个是华裔温哥华是加拿大最大的港口及加拿大第三大机场由于城市的有利地点,使它成为北美洲与亚洲之间的经贸重地,因而赢得quot;加拿大英语有一些独特的词汇和用法,例如Toque这是加拿大人用来指代帽子的一种词汇,与美国和英国的英语中的“beanie”或“woolly hat”类似Doubledouble这是加拿大人用来指代咖啡的一种用法,表示要加两份奶和两份糖;加拿大是个具有现代化工业及科技水平的发达国家,能源资源充足,经济体制依靠自然资源英文Canada is a country of North America in the north, west against the Atlantic, Pacific, east to the north into the arctic;Niagara falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布Quebec city 魁北克城北美最古老的法语小镇Banff National Park班夫国家公园在落基山里,有恐龙化石哟Thousand Islands千岛湖地区Montreal蒙特丽尔城巴黎外最大法语都市Toronto CN。

Queen Elizabeth II of England is still Canada#39s Head of State, and until 1982 Canada could not make any changes to its constitution without the approval of the British Government In 1982 the Constitution Act;very low population density Canada is a modern industrial technology level and the energy and resources in the developed countries, economy mainly relies on natural resources加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒;respectful and they are very independent because of the diffrent education campare to what we have in China作为世界上第二大的国家,加拿大,是世界上最美丽的国家之一它有两种官方语言法语和英语它的大部分城市。


