

1、有时间,有空有空英语的用英语怎么说2种有时间,有空的用英语表示为1be free ,英式发音为bi fri 美式发音为 bi fri2have time,英式发音为 h#601vta#618m 美式发音为 h#601vta#61。

2、短语have free time 有空的 单词available 有空的 例句 1We go out running when we have free timehave free time 当有空英语我们有空时,我们出去跑步2do you have a room available有空英语有空英语你们有空的房间吗。

3、有空时 have time off英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译H1a have the wrong number 号码错了have time off 有空have time to burn 有用不完的时间 At Liberty有空at liberty, 此释义来源于网络辞典 be free。



5、问题一我有空,英文怎么说 I am free问题二当我有空时的2种英文翻译 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题When I have time When I am free 问题三我有空去用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴回答你的。

6、在你有空的时候英语是whenever you are available双语例句 1The Online Resources Webcast summarizes the available Selfhelp tools, and is updated whenever new features that same you time and effort are rolled。

7、应该是 peace 字面意思是和平,peace out也可以当作再见说,但是一般限于口语,而其实黑人的口头用语,再分别时对彼此说,包含再见的意思,但是很难准确翻译。

8、地道一点可以译为I am available for dating Go ahead, boys。

9、When you are available, we can have a face to face meetingWhen will you be avaible? What do you think if we have a face to face meeting?Please let me know when you will be avaible, so that we。

10、我正好有空 I#39m just free 有空 词典 at leisure at one#39s leisure at liberty have time off例句如果你有空的话,周三晚上来和我们一起吃晚饭吧Come and have supper with us on Wednesday, if。

11、通常是像ls说的按照音标读,不过英语学久了可以根据字母摸索读音 举个例子 operation手术分解o 类似于“奥”per3 rareition类似于“生”。

12、和别人约定时间做事情,总是要问到“你什么时候有空?”这句话该怎么表达呢?我们来看一看When are you free?你什么时候有空?Friday after 300星期五3点以后有空When are you available?你什么时候有空?When can。

13、Who is available?口语中,问别人有没有空,可以用“available”用什么free,have time太俗了。

14、翻译If you have time, we agreed to see you next Tuesday。

15、1 what subject do you have on Thursday?2 after lunch,I have musicThe 3 class are you free now4 every day I from 12 points to 1 points to eat5 why do not you like geography6 he is busy doing。

16、你有空吗Are you freeyou got a minuteDo you have timeAre you available例句Sounds good Would this Friday evening be all right with you?好的 这个星期五晚上你有空吗 ?I#39m having a party。

标签: 有空英语



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