

1、喷泉前面则是我们的第一教学楼第一教学楼左边是第二教学楼,右边是科学馆从科学馆和第一教学楼中间往前走则到了办公楼,办公楼是老师办公的地方办公楼前面是艺术楼,右边则是我们硕大的操场有篮球场排球场还有;大楼英文是building英#39b#618ld#618#331,美#39b#618ld#618#331n建筑物;你好,英文翻译如下The lecture will be held from 8 am to 1100 on Saturday, November 11, in the lecture hall of the Art Building;英语是storey但是美语和英语往往在同一个词上会表示不同的意思first floor 在英语时指二楼,而美语则指一楼,英语指一楼时要用ground floor其它各楼层的英美不同的表示法, 就如同楼上quot一只鱼699quot的回答 syntaxJ07 发布于;国家美术馆的英文是National Gallery详细解释1nationaladj国家的全国的国民的民族的国有的n国民Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations这里不仅是一个国家,而是许多国家。

2、大楼的英文是building英 #39b#618ld#618#331,美 #39b#618ld#618#331n 建筑物 短语1design a building 设计一栋大楼 2enlarge a building 扩建一栋大楼 3occupy a building 占用一座;说楼层,要用序数词来表示,所以,一到五楼的说法分别是the first floor the second floor the third floor the fourth floor the fifth floor;各教室的英语名字computer room,music room,reading room,art room,broadcasting room,laboratory一computer room 英 k#601m#712pju#720t#601r ru#720m 美 k#601m#712pju#;going to the door,you will see the sience labThe office building is on the leftThe right is arting and teaching buildingThe teaching building inclubimg ABCDEFGfloorsThere is a lake and a big eating;房子用英语表述为househouse的意思是房子住宅一家人指的是住房,也指住在一所房子里的所有人相关例句房子俯瞰山谷,景色宜人The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley这座房子的状况没得挑The;1艺术馆 art museum英 ɑtmju#712zi#601m 美 ɑrtmju#712zi#601m例句Have you been to the new modern art museum? 你去过新的现代艺术博物馆吗2画廊 painted corridor;2building还可指“建筑”,指一种抽象的艺术或行业,为不可数名词3building用作可数名词时其复数为buildings4theBuilding作“大厦”解,是美式英语,相当于英式英语里的“House”没有the。


3、The Affiliated High School of Hangzhou Normal UniversityHangzhou city is the first modern, symbolic, exemplary high school She founded in 1969September1997, Zhejiang province has been identified as a key high。

4、楼房的英文单词是building它的英式读法是#39b#618ld#618#331美式读法是#39b#618ld#618#331,作名词时意思有建筑物,房屋,公寓,宅子,楼房,房子相关例句1The heat had blistered the pai;美国大都市艺术博物馆Metropolitan Museum of Art,自由女神像Statue of Liberty,时代广场Times Square,白宫The White House,五角大楼 The Pentagon加拿大圣安妮大教堂SainteAnne;There are pond, teaching building, laboratory building, art building and canteen in the school。

5、I am a student from Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, which was a comprehensive state university approved by the Ministry of Education, found in 1978 Locating in Loudi in Xiangzhong New;the Imperial Palace, 798quot798艺术区是位于北京市朝阳区大山子地区的一个艺术园区,原为北京第三无线电器材厂,建筑多为东德的包豪斯风格1980年代到1990年代798厂逐渐衰落,从2002年开始,由于租金低廉,来自北京周边和北京。



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