

1、You want to rent a few rooms,what you want to rent a house租的英文?Control how much of your budget租的英文?I want to rent a Liangshiliangting,environmental good,which is to install fully equippedThere is air租的英文;taxi用作动词时的意思是“使滑行”,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词用作及物动词时,可接名词作宾语词汇搭配call a taxi叫计程车get a taxi租一辆计程汽车hail a taxi挥手截停计程车hire a taxi雇;租赁的英文rent lease 参考例句Handle trust, investment, mortgage, leasing, real estate development and information consultancy办理信托投资抵押租赁房地产开发信息咨询等业务Financing lease 筹资租赁 Lease。

2、Some do not know how to look for a house for rent or how to read and negotiate a rental contract 有些人不知道如何寻找出租的房屋,也不知道如何阅读和磋商租住合同I think the key is what you want;I lease lessor in October 2008, leased to a room in the rental side, the monthly rent of 1,000 yen month, 1015 days ahead of time to move to Group must abide by the terms of the;lease 意思, lease 翻译, One bedroom, rent, Sign a lease, Studio, 一房一厅 英文, 公寓 英文, 公寓大楼 英文, 同寓室友 英文, 套房 英文, 室友 英文, 押金 英文, 租契 英文, 租屋 英文, 租约 英文;is cotenant #39s rent or own a separate , how much rent psychological price , which is equipped with facilities to the room 租的英文我认为关键是你想找什么样的,是合租的还是自己单独租,租金心理价位是多少,房;1你好,请问你知道附近哪里可以租到最便宜的房子吗交通比较方便的Hi, do you know where to rent the cheapest house in the neighborhood? Which traffic is convenient2多少钱一个月 ,需要押金吗押金什么时候;rent 1 The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church原来,他租住的那栋建筑是一座教堂2 He rented out his house while he worked abroad他在国外工作期间把自己的房子租租的英文了出去3 He and t;楼主你好 2 to pay rent method1 a lump sum total element names Pataca uppercase2 every third installment, pay and recognized element upper caseWhere is the deposit element by party a custody;在租赁合同中,承租人的目的是取得租赁物的使用收益权,出租人也只转让租货物的使用收益权,而不转让其所有权在租赁合同终止时承租人要返还租赁物这是租赁合同区别于买卖合同等的根本特征租赁合同是双务有偿合同,即。


3、租赁英文rent lease hire tenancy charter例句Word和Excel在房屋租赁合同管理中的应用 The Application of Word and Excel in the Management of the House Rent Contracts 一租赁,是指在约定的期间内,出租人;英文翻译rent rent 英rent 美r#603ntn 租金 地租 意见等的 分裂,分歧 衣服等的 裂缝vt 出租 付地租 “rend”的过去式和过去分词 租借adj 撕碎的 分裂的例句Hi;We wish to rent a car with a driver from 19th to 22nd July Could you please offer your rate? Please let me know what kind of license or certificate we shall provide以上,仅供参考如有必要,请结合你;The yearly rental of her house is 2400 Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery租费从送到那天起算3charter money reprise 这两个也可以翻译成租金,但是不常用。

4、市中心的租金贵也有其它的翻译,比如,1rental 她这房子年租金是2400元The yearly rental of her house is 2400 Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery租费从送到那天起算3;租客的英文是tenant租客,租房的客人简称用租客们自己的话说,就是除了老婆,什么东西都是可以租来的,房子,家用电器,数码产品,办公用品,机械设备,甚至是连床都可以租即使你有急事需要用车那也是可以在网上租到。



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