

中文我希望你好好保重身体,快快乐乐地工作 英文I hope you take good care of your health and work happily短语简介快快乐乐地工作work happily 好好保重身体take good care of your health 希望hope;Weather will be cold,take care of health。



英文解释名词care 1 a cause for feeling concern 2 an anxious feeling 同义词fear concern 动词care 1 be in charge of, act on, or dispose of 同义词deal manage handle 2 provide care for 同义。

问题一保重的英文是什么 Conserver 保重 1take care 2so long 3take care my love 4take care of 保重,当心 1take care 当心,保重 1take care 你保重 1you take care 2good dear u 保重身体 1。

Please take care of yourself!简单一点就是 Take care。

Take care of yourself!保重身体!You must take good care of yourself你要好好注意身体。

照顾老人英语Care for the elderly 相关短语我会照顾好我的家人I will take good care of my family 保重身体take care 与老人沟通技巧同感设身处地从服务对象的角度去看和感受事物,并且正确地传达自己的了解予。

保重的英文是quotTake carequot下面是关于保重的详细描述1保重的常见用法和意义保重是一个常用的词组,用于表达对他人的关心和祝福它的意思是希望对方保持健康和安全,避免受伤或遭遇困难当我们告别或与他人分离时,常常。

很遗憾听到那个消息 照顾好自己,杨玲。


35生老病死是自然现象,要节哀顺变!保重身体 36节哀顺变,咱们此刻就应对去世者的真诚祝愿,祝他老人家一路走好,在九泉之下安息吧! 37生老病死,天灾人祸,等等谁又能逃脱呢?生活就是这样,还是需要继续,兄弟姐妹,想哭,就痛快。

保重身体 J Hi, it#39s Backpack time And today we#39re learning about good advice and how do you take care about yourselves Here#39s a song with a lot of advice Let#39s listen大家好,这里是朗文少儿英语。

特别是你想显得比较轻松随意的时候使用,不过小心很容易让人觉得很不专业喔Take care “保重身体”Casual and used between friends, showing your care在朋友之间使用,可以表示对对方的关怀Thanks or Thank You “表示。

ldquo 这么说,祝你长寿,多保重自己吧, rdquo 老人说8 With the great responsibility you are about to assume you must keep up your strength你马上就要担当重任了,你得保重身体9 Remember to ring us。

take care保重,照顾好自己take care of照顾,处理,负责give care照顾,关心with care小心地,留心地take care of oneself照顾好自己,保重身体含义解释与其他相关的单词相比,careful 意味着‘谨慎的。

Dear Auntie Margarnt I#39m glad to email you in English,Although my English ability is general, but literacy is still good, I can understand it allYou can use English to me in the future If it#39s very。

1走了的人他们只是去了另外个世界他们依然在看着你The people who have left are just going to another world They#39re still looking at you2生老病死是自然现象,要节哀顺变保重身体Birth, old age。



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