

1、你明天打算干什么英语翻译 What do you plan to do tomorrow?用英语翻译你明天打算干什么 what do you want to do tomorrow 英语翻译,国庆节你打算干什么 What are you going to do on National Day? 国。

2、你明天准备干什么回答quotI#39m going to buy a postcard tomorrowquot 翻译成中文是 quot我明天打算买一张明信片quot其中你 你,主语,在英语问句中不变 明天 tomorrow,表示时间,用来修饰动词 干 do,动词,表示。

3、答案是What are you going to do tomorrow?或What will you do tomorrow? 这个以后可以在百度上有翻译软件的,建议不用为好,还是好好学习吧。

4、What are you going to do tomorrow?注be going to do sth 表示打算做某事 祝愿你每天开心,记得采纳。


5、What are you going to do tomorrow?What are you planning to do tomorrow?What will you do tomorrow?祝您学习进步,更上一层楼请记得采纳,谢谢*^__^*。

6、lz,你好,感谢您的信任,是以“What are you going to do tomorrow”为题写吧是初中作文还是高中作文呢请写出您的要求,之后我再写哈Today is friday,it is said that tomorrow is a cloudy day I plan to。


8、妈妈英语是mother,明天的英语是tomorrow,那么打算做什么好读读那么加在一起,就是how do you do tomorrow, mom,明天的英语是tomorrow,那么打算做什么好读读那么。

9、明天你打算和你父母做什么?我打算和我父母一起吃月饼赏月What are you going to do with your parents tomorrow? I#x27m going to eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon with my parents。

10、假如明天是周末你打算干什么用英语写不少于五句话如下The spring comes and the scenery is beautiful Therefore, I make pIan to enjoy the vernalsunshine and fresh air with my parents We will climb the Qing。

11、问题七你将会在那里做什么的英文 What are you going to do there?你将会在那里做什么问题八“明天你将要做什么”用英语怎么说 What are you going to do tomorrow 记得采纳啊 问题九你将为你妈妈做什么。


13、I am planning to go to the zoo with my best friend tomorrowWe both love animals ,so we want to to be there to see lovely animals,such as golden monkeys, pandas, lions We are going to meet each。

14、写作思路根据题目要求,详细介绍明天的计划行程Tomorrow morning, I will play badminton with my friends, so I have to get up early We will play for half an hour明天早上,我和朋友们一起去打羽毛球,所以。

15、10人觉得有用 20110307 应该做什么事用英语怎样写 2 20110502 我应该做什么吗 英文 3 20140616 你正在做什么?用英语怎么写? 20140619 用英文写一下你明天打算做什么 更多相关问题 按。

16、when will you leave tomorrow? do you know how to start this projuect? the boss of that store was trying to use discount as a strategy to win back the clients。



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