

She wouldn#39t stop short of stealing if she thought it would help her children如果她认为偷窃能救助她救人英语的子女救人英语,她也会毫不犹豫地去干的Without any hesitation, he jump into the river to save the drowne child;海豚是人类的好朋友,被人们称为见义勇为的海上救生员海豚救人的故事,不是虚构的,而是非常真实的1966年,韩国一艘渔船在太平洋海面上捕鱼时不幸沉没,16名船员中有6名当即丧生其余10名船员在水中游了近10个小时。

#英语资源# 导语我们能尽情享受的,只是施与的快乐下面是 无 1聪明人都明白这样一个道理,帮助自己的惟一方法就是去帮助别人smart people understand that the only way to help yourself is to help;有一天,一个小男孩在沙滩上,救人英语他看到有一个小孩溺水了,他赶紧跳下水去救人,最后那个人救上来了,翻译是One day, a little boy was on the beach, then, he saw a child drowning He jumped into the water to。

go to resoue people 这么简单,偶小学生都知道,你英语得加油。


About one thirty yesterday morning, two girls and several friends came to a Taoyuan bar street, thegreen woman because before drinking, probably due to lost 1000 yuan, came to the bar very excitedTwo women。


问题一救命英语怎么说 救命 jiù mìng释义 help save *** #39s life救人性命 Help!呼救声 电影 Koma例句快来人救命啊Somebody get some help!问题二救命英语怎么写的 help me 问题。

关于林浩救人的英语作文 汶川地震WenchuanEarthquake发生后,9岁的学生林浩救了两名同学,然后步行了7个小时到了安全地点,就他的事迹以“LearnfromtheHero”为题,写一篇不少于60词的作文内容包括林浩 汶川地震Wenchuan。


1、It#39s known to us that some university students were drowned because they wanted to rescue the boy who fell into the river They quickly formed a manbridge But to their suprise ,one of them was so。



3、This afternoon I am walking with my brave dog,sudenlly,there is a bad man hitting a girl ,but there is nobody to help her,Of course ,this girl cries loudly,At this time my dog runs to the man and。

4、Target the injured limb to relieve pain hospital as soon as possibleFirst, the observation of the fracture site 1 unable to function properly, the pain will increase with activity or touch, swollen。

5、yesterday afternoon I went to people‘s park It happened that I saw a touching event At that time yesterday afternoon I went to people‘s park It happened that I saw a touching event At that。

6、It was very silly that they went to rescue the boy without paying attention to that they didn#39t have swim skills As university students ,they don#39t know how to protect themselves This is must be a。

7、One day, li Ming after dinner he took the dog for a walk, walk in the way, he saw many children were at play near the suddenly, he saw a child accidentally fell into the water, next to the children。



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