

walk along是沿着街道走,与街道是同方向或者反方向 walk straight是径直走。

go down,意思是沿着往下走,有往下走的意思沿着街走的英文是walk along the street或go along the street。

Go along the luxuriant along DaQiao street,turn left at post a good time for trip!4Let me tell you the road to the there a supermarket around here。

沿着街道走,就在左边 英文Go along the street, it#39s on the left。

Start from the school,and turn left Then walk straight along the street Turn left again and walk straight这几个句子要用祈使句,沿着街道直走walk straight along the street。

泪水沿着她的面颊流下The tears ran down her cheeks沿着大道走到分岔地方再向右拐Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the right当某个人突然抓住我时,我正沿着那街道走着I was walking。

You should go to the park from the post station along the first streetOn the first street ,turn right when watching a supermarket,then you#39ll see a bankYou can walk along the second street。

1沿着边走 skirt2沿着岸走 alongshore3沿着方向走direction相似单词direction n1C方向,趋势,动向,趋向 2Cdirections通常作复数指南,指示,说明书,用法说明,操作说明 3。


walk though 没有沿着的意思 through为在立体空间中的“穿过”如go through the forest“穿过森林”,through表示从内部“穿过”“通过”through表示“贯通直穿透过穿过”的意思,即是从一头边贯穿到另。

沿着街道往下走 ,down英daun 美da#650nadv坐倒躺下向下表示范围或顺序的限度下至 prep从高处向下表示位置在的下方表示方向沿着向下表示时间自。

vt 打倒,击败吃下喝下 vi 打倒,击败 down 读法 英 da#650n 美 da#650n例句They set off at a jog up one street and down another 他们开始沿着一条又一条的街道慢跑down的近义词。

go along,因为用法相当于祈使句。

她沿着街道走 during 在期间,在时候 During the holiday, we went to the south 我们假期去了南方 except 除之外 He knows nothing except English 他除英语以外什么都不知道 for 为, 因为。

沿着路直走用英语这样说Go straight along the road直走用英语怎么说 直走的英文翻译是go straight,读音ɡ#601u streit go straight英 ɡ#601u streit 美 ɡo stret v笔直走,正直做人go。

Go straight along the street, then turn to the right。

沿着走用英文怎么说三种walk along沿着走用英语怎么说4种 walk along go down go up walk down go along 沿着什么而去英文怎么说 Go along something ,Go ahead along something沿前行的英语单词怎么写。

“沿往前直走”的可以用英语短语表达为go straight along例句Go straight along this road and you can see a cafe沿着这条路往前直走可以看到一家咖啡馆。

介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词在句中不能单独作句字成分介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作主语, 状语,表语,补语或。



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