

城市公园的英语作文篇一 National ParksVacationUnited States 国家公园假期美国 This past summer I took my family out on a daring trip to see three famous national parks刚过去的这个夏天,关于公园的英语作文我带家人去看了三个。

游览公园英语作文1 One sunny morning,we went to the park to playWe entered the park east gate,they saw a round and beautiful big flower bed,have be riotous with colour flowers large flower beds,flower h。

公园有许多有吸引力的事物,就像一个小游乐园所以在周末,许多家庭都很喜欢到这个公园享受美好时光 84个单词作文译文皆为原创 2 关于公园的英语作文 I went to the Children#39s Park with my parents last weekend The。

1 一篇关于去公园的英语作文,80词左右 Last Sunday, I went to the park with my mother It was sunny and warm The trees began to turn green and flowers were beautiful The birds were singing in the。

所以不知道儿童公园是在关于公园的英语作文你们城市的哪个方位,根据需要你自己替换东西南北吧2 也不知道你们城市的儿童公园占地多少亩,你可以在网上查一下,把那个数字替换了总之呢我给的是一个模板5 英语作文Inthepark关于在公园里玩的。

可以自己适当改哈子 A Day in the Park 公园一日 The other day I went to the park And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to。

I went to the Children#39s Park with my parents last weekend The park is in the south of our city, covering an area of 500 mu Entering the park you can see statues of children in different races。

green grassThere are some lovely flowers in the parkThis park is a wounderful place to spend the afternoonThere are different kinds of vegetation to enjoy这个公园,位于镇北公园很大很美四周有许多长凳。

Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Welcome to colorful nature pare!绿色的草,蓝色的湖和漂亮的山脉在这里等你!欢迎你来到色彩丰富的自然公园!There is a clean riverThere are some。


we did some shopping happily and had some delicious foodWe had a good time there and I hope to get there again译文在假期里,我和妈妈坐公车去公园游玩了两小时首先,我们在湖里划船接着,拍了许多漂亮。

Last Sunday is a sunny day,so I decided to go to the park with my best friends and have a picnicWe met at the gate of the school and went to park by busWhen we went around in the park,we saw。

too这是星期天上午我母亲和我去公园跑步有很多人在公园里很多有些孩子正在运行狗在他们后面 4名妇女正坐在那里,他们说的两个女孩在玩附近与他们的三个老男人站在一棵大树下大灌洗他们正在看孩子那。

Finally the old men crossed the road successfully ahd he had being thanking us all the time Tired but satisfied,we were enjoying a wonderful time last Sunday moring 总觉得这篇作文写过去的事用过去式比较好。

One day of I and the younger brother went to the park, The park was very attractive and had the interesting thing, We made the games in the park and played very happily, When we were tired and hungry。

一篇关于去公园的英语作文Today, I went to the park with my father, mother and brotherOn the way, our family of four talked and laughedI felt that the people#39s Park would not be longWe went to。

5 请写一篇关于公园的英语作文 可以自己适当改哈子A Day in the Park公园一日The other day I went to the park And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the。

写作思路可以写全家去参观自然公园,将公园里面的景色详细的描述一下,中心要明确,语言要通顺等等正文To the nature park, a door to see a row of flower beds, which are colorful chrysanthemums competing to。



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