

Screen City is the best movie theater, because there are both the biggest Screen and the most comfortable seats;舒服用英语表示为comfortable,读音为英#39k#652mft#601bl,美#39k#652mft#601blcomfortable解析如下一单词读音 英式发音#712k#652mft#601bl 美式发音#712k#652mft#601rb。

舒适的座位的英语是comfortable seatscomfortable是形容词,意思是舒适的,安逸的其名词形式为comfort,意思是舒适,安逸副词形式为comfortably,意思是舒服地例子I feel comfortable after the bath洗澡后我感到很舒服;它有最大的座位,坐着最舒服 It has the largest seat, the most comfortable sitting。



1、乘座舒适度 词典铁道riding comfortableness铁道又称 乘座舒适度例句在旅客列车的人机环境系统中,座椅是影响乘座舒适度的重要环节In the environment of manmachine system of passenger train,the seat i。

2、11What’s the matter with you ? 你怎么啦I’m not feeling well 我感觉不舒服12 That’s a good idea 好主意13 I hope you feel better soon 我希望你尽快好起来Unit 3 for vacation度假。

3、The seats in this cinema are most comfortable of allOf all movie theatres , the seats in this one are coziest。


最舒服的座位英语是The most comfortable seat重点词汇most comfortable,意思是使人舒服的舒适的愉快放松的舒服的安逸的自信而无忧虑的自在的双语例句 1The etiquette protocol requires that the most comfo。

读法英 #712k#652mft#601bl 美 #712k#652mf#602t#601bl释义1adj 舒适的,舒服的 2n 盖被 comfortable feel手感舒适 comfortable seats舒适的座位 Comfortable Teahouse清新茶馆。



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