

英语作文我的周末你呢你周末的时候打算做什么可以告诉我吗3 初一的英语作文我的星期天50字左右,带翻译~~ My sundayToday I felt happy In the morning,I got up at 6 a#39clock 今天我很高兴我在六点中起床After英语作文我的周末;On Sunday afternoon,I staying at homeOn Sunday night,I 周日早上,我和姐姐去购物,周日中午,我待在家里周日完善,我还是在学校学习studied at school,tooThis is my happy weekend!这就是我愉快的周末。

我的周末英语作文篇一 On weekends,i don#39t need to go to school So i always get up lateAfter breakfast, i will help my mum do some housework and watch TVIn the afternoon, i will do my homework英语作文我的周末;五年级英语作文我的周末1 Today is sunday I am in hainan with my friends nowit is a sunny day,I got up early at Seven thirty,I watched a movie with my brother in the morning,it was a。

我的周末英语作文1 i think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you on saturday morning, i am going to the bookstore i’m going to buy some storybooks;我的周末英语作文篇一 Last weekend,I did a lot of thingsIt was fun!On Saturday morning,I cleaned the roomThen I did my homeworkIt#39s so hardAfter that,I went to the libraryI have some questions。



1、我的周末英语作文带翻译 篇1 I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekendNow,let me introduce my busy weekend to you On Saturday morning,I am going to the bookstoreI’m going to buy some storybooks。

2、1小学英语作文我的周末 Last saturday, I was very happy On saturday, I got up at seven o#39clock After breakfast, I did my homework, It was a little difficult Then I played computer games,It。

3、一写作思路 我的周末,主要是介绍自己周末的时候做英语作文我的周末了什么有意义的事情,采取过去式的形式开头可以点题说明周末的愉快,然后中间重点介绍周末做了什么事情,心情怎么样结尾总结一下周末过的很愉快,抒发感情二双语范文。

4、我整理了一些描写周末的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧周末英语作文 Usually, I am free at the weekends, but sometimes I also have something to do This weekend, I will be busy, because at Saturday, I am。

5、My weekend 我的周末 I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to youOn Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore I’m going to buy some。

6、我的周末英语作文80词 篇1 I had a busy weekend last week On Sunday morning, I did sports and read English After breakfast, I did my homework In the afternoon, I went to the library and borrowed some books。


我的周末英语作文篇1 On Sunday, I can meet my cat again, because the cat in my shop, at ordinary times, I don#39t often go to the store only on Sunday The cat is ran on its own Snow White, onl。

1 写我的周末英语作文 I am going to have a busy weekend ! On Saturday , I#39m going to clean my room and do homework Then , in the evening , I #39m going to the supermaket with my mother On。


我的周末英语作文60字 篇1 Last Sunday, I woke up at 600 in the morning I felt tired because I didn#39t sleep well last I had breakfast, I decided to stay home So I called my friend to ask。



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