

In the future, science advancements are capable of accomplishing wonders With the invention of robots, mankind labour is no longer required since robots can finish the job for us Selfpiloting transportations。

有一个“灰色地带”,而正是这个灰色地带无人驾驶汽车英语的存在,可能会导致“无人驾驶汽车时代无人驾驶汽车英语的到来大大推迟” Dobrindt wants three things that a car always chooses property damage over personal injury 就是说,汽车得知道。


本文讲了谷歌无人驾驶汽车的研发及其运行方式 51细节题 Pictures of the Google vehicle show it looks like a city car with a “friendly” face, designed to make it seem nonthreatening and help people accept selfdriving。

本文是说明文文章主要向无人驾驶汽车英语我们介绍了谷歌公司正在研发中的无人驾驶汽车63 B细节理解题由第三段中的The only things a human passenger controls are a red “estop” button for panic stops and a start。



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